47 - sisters talk pt.2

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chapter 47

Natasha's eyes got widened, like really her.. falling for Steve.. out of nowhere?.. Yep girl is filling her own mind with a bunch of denials.

"Stop being denial Natasha." Wanda stated firmly.

"I have too." Natasha replies seriously.
"Wanda you don't understand." Natasha added with concern.

"Then tell me to make me understand." Wanda said. "I know you're afraid of changes that might affect your friendship." Wanda said. "But Natasha, there is no reason to be." Wanda added encouraging her.

"There's a lot of reason Wanda." Natasha said as she sighed heavily. "And the problem is me. Not him." Natasha added sadly.

"Don't think of yourself as unworthy Nat." Wanda said.

"But I am." Natasha stated sadly. "I just don't want to ruin Steve's life." Natasha added with a broken smile.

"And how is that possible exactly?" Wanda crossed her arms.

"I will hurt him." Natasha said. "I know I will." Natasha added.

"No you will not." Wanda said. "Stop thinking negative about everything that might happen Natasha." Wanda added.

"That's just what happen if there is nothing good to see." Natasha said with a broken smile.

"What made you think that way?" Wanda asked.

"Do you remember our conversation at the car today?" Natasha asked.

"Umm which one? With or without Vis?" Wanda asked.

"Without him." Natasha answered.

"Okay... so what is this about?" Wanda asked.

"We were talking about Tony." Natasha said.

"And?" Wanda asked.

"As we are happy for him." Natasha said.

"I think I know what you mean." Wanda said nervously.

Natasha was unable to say it, well it wasn't a problem for her back then, but after everything that happened she realise how valuable it is for her and perhaps for Steve. As a drop of tear escaped from her cold eyes, Natasha sighed heavily and said "I can't have kids Wanda." She said looking away as she blink again causing another drop of tear from her eyes.

Wanda was stunned, unable to speak anymore. She was confused of what to say because she could genuinely felt what Natasha feel, and it was one of the most painful thing for her. Never in her life Wanda thought of seeing Natasha like this. Natasha was one of the strongest figures she know, and now even at her weakest point Natasha tried to remain strong even though it broke her heart in pieces to admit that.

Natasha took a deep breath and look at Wanda. But it didn't affect her well because she senses pity in Wanda's eyes and that is the most disliked feeling she received. Natasha hates in when someones pity her, Natasha hates in when someone sees her week, but afterall she is also human and as everyone is fighting their own battles, there are times when we shed a tear.

"Please don't pity me." Natasha said as she sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Wanda said sadly. "I don't want to say anything wrong." Wanda added.

"It's okay I understand." Natasha said.

"I thought it wasn't a problem for me Wanda, but after someone asked me, do you ever wanted to have kids? That thought just simply destroys me."

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