38 - let's play a game

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chapter 38

"What took you guys so long?" Rhodes asked as Steve, Natasha, Vision, Wanda and Sam walked in.

"Sam." Wanda exclaimed.

"Me again?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Well you said it yourself earlier that we can blame everything on you." Wanda said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Correct." Vision said.

"Oh God. Alright fine, however you like it." Sam said in annoyance.

"Poor Sam." Clint said as he reached the room.

"Finally, my parter to share this role of victim of insultion." Sam said in relief.

"Excuse me?" Clint said in disbelief.

"Alright you can all shut up your bullsh*t because I have an announcement." Tony said.

"An announcement again." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Stop being mean." Tony said in annoyance.

"I'm not." Natasha insisted.

"You should probably meet Valkyrie, I'm sure both of you will get along pretty well." Thor said taking a sip of his poptarts.

"He's right, you should probably talk with her Nat, you're both similar." Tony said with a nod.

"Similar in what way?" Natasha asked.

"Well you're both mean." Tony shrugged his shoulder.

"Agreed." Bruce said.

"I'm not mean." Natasha said in disbelief. "I'm just more mature than most of you." She added in annoyance.

"That is what mean looks like." Tony said and the others laughed and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Mean." Clint chuckles.

"I find it amazing that Steve is not scared of you." Tony said with a nod and Natasha glared at him.

"There's nothing to be scared of." Natasha insisted and Steve nodded.

"It's because you're only kind to Steve and mean to us." Tony said with narrowed eyes.

"That's not true." Natasha crossed her arms.

"Yes, Ms. Romanoff is kind to me." Vision said proudly.

"Thank you Vis." Natasha said with a glance to Vision.

"Reminder, she called us unwanted human beings." Sam whispered loud by purpose and Natasha gave him a disbelief look.

"You're right, I guess Ms. Romanoff is not kind to me too." Vision said sadly.

"That is for Wanda and Sam, not you Vis." Natasha said comforting him and Vision smiled.

"You're kind to me but I'm still scared." Thor said as he reached them.

"Don't blame me for you being a coward." Natasha said with an eyebrow up.

"And now you turned mean at me." Thor said sadly.

"Can we just stop talking about this?" Natasha said in annoyance.

"You can't handle the fact that you're mean." Clint teased.

"And only kind to Steve." Sam said proudly.

"It's because he doesn't annoys me and you all know how super annoying Tony is." Natasha rolled her eyes. "And Clint." She added.

"And me." Sam added.

"And me too." Wanda added.

"Glad you had the realization." Natasha said.

"Aw I thought it was because he's special." Tony added.

"What special?" Natasha asked.

"Because the M-A-K-E O..." Tony was spelling it one by one until Natasha throwed the couch pillow at his face.

"I swear to God if you dare to say that word again, it wouldn't be a pillow that hit your face." Natasha said angrily.

"Ouch, anything but my nose please." Tony said in pain.

"You should've hit harder." Rhodes said with a laugh followed by the others.

"Tell your girlfriend to stop abusing me Cap." Tony said wiping his nose.

"Firstly, she's not my girlfriend. Second, people abusing you is none of my business and third, stop looking at me, you're the one that looks for the trouble youself." Steve shrugged his shoulders.

"Geez alright, for now I will back off because I had turned more mature." Tony said as he exhales.

"You're backing off because you know you're wrong." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Whatever your assumptions are." Tony said as he rolled his eyes too. "So for the announcement, I invited you all to come earlier..." Tony was saying but it was cut off.

"We already know that." Bruce said.

"I haven't finished yet." Tony said in annoyance.

"Cut to the point and quit blabbering some sh*ts." Sam said and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Okay sorry." Tony said subconsciously.

"Oh my God.. did you just apologize." Clint said in shock.

"Damn, I did." Tony said in disbelief.

"Too bad it's not recorded." Rhodes said sadly.

"The funny thing is that he apologized to Sam." Wanda laughed.

"Hey, what's so funny about it?" Sam asked in annoyance.

"I don't know. Perhaps everything." Wanda bursted out to laughter.

"Let's get over it guys." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, no." Clint laughed.

"I think, we can see it again from Vision's sight." Natasha said with an eyebrow up.

"OMG you're right!" Wanda said happily.

"Definitely going to save that recording." Clint teased.

"Don't you dare!" Tony shouted in annoyance.

"Poor Tony." Thor said with a concerned face, which of course is fake to mock Tony as the others laughed.

"Ugh enough." Tony rolled his eyes. "Stop postponing my announcement." Tony added in annoyance as the others giggles.

"Who told you to blabber too much instead of cutting straightly to the point?" Rhodes rolled his eyes.

"You know me. Just let me have my Tony Stark moment." Tony replied in annoyance.

"Alright whatever, hurry up Tony!" Bruce said.

"Geez okay." Tony rolled his eyes.

"So I was in a middle of announcing something when we were suddenly having an unexpected guest. Yes you kid." Tony said as he looked at Peter.

"And it had been a while since we're all back together, so..." Tony said with narrowed eyes.

"So what?" Thor asked in suspicion.

"Okay why are you looking at me like that?" Tony asked.

"You're just suspicious. I don't have a good feeling." Thor answered.

"It's nothing stupid I promise." Tony said confidently. "We will all be having a great time." He added happily.

"So what is it?" Steve asked.

"Let's play a game!" Tony stated in excitement.

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