3 - "you're my home too."

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chapter 3

"Oh yes, sorry for being a bit touchy before, I was.. you know.. surprised, can't believe I'm alive again, can't believe I'm suddenly seeing you at that place too, I thought it wasn't real." Natasha said.

"It's fine." Steve replied as he pat her shoulders. "I actually like it if you're touchy" . "Wait what?" Steve suddenly said out loud after being shock of what just crossed his mind.

"What's what?" Natasha asked with both eyebrows up.

"Nothing." Steve turned his face away and scratched his hair shyly with one hand.

"You're a terrible liar." Natasha smirked and walked away to the HQ.

"You have got to tell me what's going on!" Sam said as he jumped to Steve and made him a bit startled.

"What the hell Sam." Steve let out a sigh.

"Why were you startled? I mean I'm just a few feet away." Sam asked with a grin on his face. "Oh you must be thinking of something am I right?" He teased Steve by dancing his head left and right with narrowed eyes.

"Shut up Sam." Steve said as he rolled his eyes but of course Sam didn't shut up.

"So tell me what happened, I thought you are not going to be back." Sam asked, starting to talk seriously.

"I thought the same thing too." Steve replied as he looked down.

"Did you meet her?" Sam asked again.

"Well yeah." Steve nodded. "But it doesn't feel the same anymore." He added as he raise his head to look at Sam. "So I left." Steve said again.

"What do you mean by not feeling the same anymore?" Sam asked.

"My heart, it's not hers anymore." Steve smiled faintly. "So I decided to stay here, with all of you." He said.

"I'm glad you choose to stay, I couldn't imagine living in a world without Captain America." Sam said with a heartfelt smile and Steve smiled at him.

"How did you came back with Natasha?" Sam asked curiously.

"I guess we got lucky, like what Tony said, maybe it's a gift from the universe. I just returned the stone, then everything went black, I was unconscious and when I opened my eyes, I saw her." Steve explained sincerely.

Sam notice a difference tone from Steve, he thought of something that is impossible so he asked, "Steve, don't tell me that your heart is hers now." Sam said slowly and Steve was startled.

"I'm not sure." Steve replied.

"You sounded so different, I could sense your happiness and the way you feel sincerely towards everything you said." Sam said.

"I'm just really happy to see her again, you know how close we were Sam. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her and it was really painful, not to mention that it was also my fault that she died." Steve said. "I'm glad to see that she is okay." Steve smiled faintly.

"Both of you will look good together." Sam blurted out and Steve hit his arm. "Are you even listening to a word I say?" Steve asked.

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