33 - preparation

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chapter 33

"Tony is such a coward." Wanda said with crossed arms.

"Hey! Do you ever hear him yelling like that? Don't blame me for getting scared." Tony said defending himself and Clint rolled his eyes.

"I just hope it does something." Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"It does, but Natasha will probably exterminate my existence." Clint sighed.

"Seriously, what did you do?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Yeah, you're so unable to be trusted." Tony said.

"I put a bubblegum in Natasha's hair." Clint said and the three of them glared.

"HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH HER HAIR?" Wanda shouted in disbelief.

"Yeah how dare you?!" Sam said in disbelief too.

"Excuse me, why do you all seems to care too much about her hair?" Clint asked in confusion.

"It's pretty." Wanda said shortly.

"Agreed." Sam added.

"I don't see how it's helping." Tony said in confusion. "But yeah it's a pretty hair." He added with a nod.

"You know Natasha, she'll probably cut her hair off." Wanda said.

"Yeah but there's Steve.. as we all know he will probably help her out which made them closer. And when they got close, maybe they will feel some sparks you know." Clint said defending himself, he was right though. And it made the others frowned because they had to admit that he's not wrong. "Since if the lights were just off and they're stuck for a few minutes, I don't think anyone will make a move." He added.

"And if your plan doesn't work, Natasha will return with who knows what hair then throw you off the building." Tony said with both eyebrows up.

"Yeah I'm prepared for that." Clint sighed. "You better catch me Sam." He added.

"As an exchange I'll like a taco." Sam said.

"Are you seriously thinking that my live value is as the same as a piece of a f*cking taco?!" Clint asked in disbelief and Sam nodded with crossed arms.

"Unbelievable." Clint rolled his eyes.

Just by seconds, the sound of the elevator was heard as both Steve and Natasha came out with a lot of boxes in a cart then Tony happily walked towards them. "Good." He said with a thumb up.

"Seriously?" Natasha asked in disbelief.

"What?" Tony asked back in confusion.

"Even I would say thankyou." Natasha rolled her eyes and Tony just returned a bitter smile then walked away.

"You had something to say?" Natasha said looking directly at Clint who acts like he doesn't notice their presence.

"We better leave, he's probably going to die." Wanda whispers to Sam and Sam nodded then both of them walked to another room.

"Clinton Francis Barton." Natasha said firmly with crossed arms.

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