31 - lights off pt.3

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chapter 30

"An attractive idiot." Steve said proudly again.

"Shut up!" Natasha demanded with a laugh.

"It's too bad we're on a break. I bet I can make a great move right now." Steve said with both eyebrows up.

"Like the move you made this morning?" Natasha teased him, she know his face will probably be red as tomato again.

"What a good shoot." Steve said in defeat covering his face and Natasha laughed at him. Natasha had no idea how big the effects it was for Steve to remember their kiss. It was sad for him that Natasha was chill about it but in confuse him of why Natasha was thinking about the morning kiss at her forehead earlier on their way here.

Steve finally uncovers his face and decided to ask her, "Can I ask you something?"

"What?" Natasha asked back.

"Why were you thinking about the morning kiss that Wanda mentioned?" Steve asked in confusion.

Natasha looked away because she's a bit shy, she wasn't expecting to be asked that question. "I just.. I think it's really sweet of you." She said trying to keep her cool and Steve nodded. "You should probably thank me that I didn't think about the other kiss or else they will never stop teasing you." She said proudly.

"Teasing us to be exact!" Steve exclaimed but Natasha's right, he was a bit thankful that the kiss is only known by both of them, little did he knew that Wanda knows it but decided not to share it with anyone. "I'm just glad we didn't got awkward after everything that happened today." Steve said with a heavy sight.

"Yeah I can't even stand that awkward few seconds at the elevator." Natasha said.

"You're okay with everyone today?" Steve asked with concern, he's still not over the car tragedy which made him yelled at her for some reasons, but he wasn't mad at her, he's mad to himself that he isn't able to make Natasha think of herself precious even after knowing her for over 10 years.

"I'm fine." Natasha replied.

"I'm really sorry you have to deal with these stuffs." Steve said sadly.

Natasha frowned at him a bit and said "It's not your fault and I don't really mind about it, but I can see you're super annoyed."

"I'm not super annoyed, you're the one that kick Sam's seat, threatening to murder and throw boxes to Tony." Steve said defending himself.

"I'm doing that for them to stop." Natasha said. "Because I realise you're annoyed." She added with an eyebrow up.

"I thought you were the one that is annoyed." Steve smiled slightly.

"Me? You know I'm chill." Natasha said proudly.

"What made you so chill?" Steve asked.

"Because I know, we won't like each other and we will never be together, right?" Natasha said with a nod, again she had no idea how those words gave aches to his heart.

"Yeah." Steve said as he sighed, trying to keep his cool, but he looked away, after hearing those words of course he can't seem to look at her.

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