24 - "i'll choose Captain America"

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chapter 24

Realising Steve's shock expression Natasha moved away from him and laughed while he is still standing dumbfounded.

"I'll take my win again, thank you." She winked at him as she walked away leaving him behind.

Steve is still standing there as he put one of his hand in front of his chest. "How could I hold my feelings if she did that?" He asked himself in concern.

Natasha descended the stairs seeing that Sam and Wanda is nowhere to be found. "They're probably at the car already." She thought. As she finally reached down, she realised Steve is also nowhere to be found. "Hey Steve, something happened?" She shouted from downstairs, which made Steve snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh crap!" Steve said to himself, he didn't realise he was away that long.

"Coming." He shouted back as he run downstairs.

"What happened?" Natasha asked as he reached her.

"Nothing." He replied, of course he lied.

"Okay hurry up grandpa." She teased.

"Stop calling me grandpa, Ms. Bossy." Steve said.

"Hey don't call me that." Natasha said in annoyance.

"Okay maam." Steve said firmly.

Natasha was about to hit him again but he ran away from her and reached the car outside with Wanda and Sam sitting at the front. "Hi." Steve panted as he enters the card.

"What took you so long dude?" Sam asked in disbelief as he turned to face him. "And why are you sweating?" Sam added in shock.

"Since Natasha isn't here yet, I would probably say make out." Wanda said.

"Wanda, you do realise you are now so annoying right?" Steve asked in annoyance.

"You're damn right." Sam said.

"I thought we're on the same team Sam." Wanda frowned.

"I'm a solo player." Sam said with a smirk.

"Ew don't try to look cool, it disgusts me." Wanda said as she stick out her tongue and Steve laughed.

"Early morning I have been bullied so many times." Sam said in disbelief.

"Where's Natasha now?" Wanda asked, as it has been minutes passed.

"She was chasing me to murder me. I wonder what happened." Steve answered.

As a few seconds has passed, Natasha's figure is finally seen and she enters the car, she took the back seat with Steve.

"What took you so long?" Steve asked.

"I tripped on someone's bowl of cereal that has a W written on it." Natasha said looking at Steve. Wanda that was before looking at the back seat, turned her face away. "I wonder who does it belongs to." Natasha added eyeing Wanda.

"You know since it's a W you could possibly misunderstood it. It is probably an M." Wanda said defending herself.

"There's no one named M in the building." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Mantis!" Sam exclaimed and Wanda mouthed thank you to him.

"That alien eats cereals? Not to mention she brought her own bowl." Natasha said in disbelief.

"Don't be surprised, you have heard and seen crazier stuffs." Steve said with a small laugh.

"Oh well, I just smashed it and throw it away." Natasha said proudly.

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