12 - "i'm already used to having you by my side"

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chapter 12

"You're surely getting better at this game." Natasha chuckles.

"It's not part of the game Nat, I mean it." Steve replied with both eyebrows up and by that Natasha's expression changed, she lowered her head again so Steve wouldn't be able to see her face. Natasha was surprised by his answer but she was unable to ask more.

Steve then looked away from Natasha and he tightened his hug as he closes his eyes. "Now quit asking and sleep." He demanded. Natasha didn't replied, she just tightened her hug too and close her eyes. It's weird if they say they aren't in love.

The night was quiet as both of them are asleep in each other's embrace. It was a night full of warmth, and for Natasha, it's one of the night she finally gotten a chance to sleep peacefully, no nightmares, no anxiety, she just smiled in her sleep.

When morning came, Steve opened his eyes slowly and the first thing he saw when he woke up was Natasha's red hair which is exactly below his face, she's still sleeping. Steve slowly removed the strands of her hair for him to see her face clearer, his heart felt warmth to see her sleeping, she looked so beautiful and innocent.

Then Steve looked up again, caressing her hair slowy as she felt comfortable and tugging in to him, his heart couldn't stop beating fastly, he's unable to believe the fact that they are sleeping in each other's embrance.

Steve tried his best to keep Natasha comfortable so he didn't dare to move a muscle now, he just stayed still, being happy and enjoying moments like this, moments that he thought wouldn't have ever happened.

Steve is surprised because Natasha didn't tell him to leave last night, he was wondering if she had the same feeling like he had towards her, but that's too much to hope right? Steve stopped on his thoughts and just smiled at her, a broken smile that knows they just aren't meant to be together.

"Morning." Natasha said as she opened her eyes slowly and raise her head to see him.

"Hi." Steve smiled faintly looking at her with sincere eyes.

"Why don't you wake me up?" Natasha asked.

"You looked so restful, I don't want to disturb you." Steve replied with a smile.

"And you're not going to give me a morning kiss?" Natasha asked him with a frown.

"You want me to?" Steve asked with both of his eyebrows up.

"I'm just kidding." Natasha replied with a laugh as she lowered her head, but then she felt warm lips touched her forehead, a soft kiss that made her felt warmth.

"Here's your morning kiss." Steve said cheerfully and Natasha was surprised. She is just asking to tease him, she didn't expect that he will really kiss her.

"Steve, you know I was kidding right?" Natasha asked as she raise her head up again.

"Yeah I know." Steve answered with a nod.

"And?" Natasha asked with an eyebrow up.

"It's just for comfort." Steve replied shyly as he tightened his hug.

"Huh what are you doing Rogers?" Natasha asked in confusion.

"You're still tugging in to me too." Steve replied as he buries his face to her hair.

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