41 - truth or date pt.3

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chapter 41

"What the hell Tony." Clint said.

"Sorry just kidding guys." Tony teased. "It'll be fun though." Tony shrugged his shoulders.

"Fun if we both aren't murdered after this." Clint said with unsincere smile.

"OMG MURDERS?" Peter asked in disbelief. "Are you the supervillian we mentioned earlier at the group?" Peter gasped.

"I'm not a supervillian." Natasha replied in confusion.

"I know sorry, it just came to my head." Peter said. "I'm Spiderman, big fan, you're similar like what I imagine you'll be like." Peter said happily as he shake Natasha's hand and sat again.

"Nice to know you, Spiderman." Natasha smiled.

"Okay it has come to my concern that you just introduced yourself as Spiderman instead of Peter Parker." Tony said in disbelief. "Are you..." Tony was about to ask but Peter cut him off, "No, I'm just trying to sound cool, you know um." Peter said awkwardly.

"Excuse me, she's like twice your age. No, big No for both for you." Tony demanded. "Peter you're not even at college yet! And Natasha, I know you wouldn't." Tony added.

"What are you thinking Stark?" Natasha asked in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" Peter asked in disbelief too.

"Let me roll it back, you said you wanted to sound cool." Tony said.

"Yeah, to the person I admire." Peter said. "But it doesn't mean I didn't admire you all. I really admire you all too." Peter added panic. "You know when we were little we use to have a crush on someone we admire, if you get it." Peter explained himself.

"Excuse me crush? What did you imagine her to be like?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Oh My God you're embarrasing me." Peter said with a facepalm. "I just adore her when she leaked the whole information about SHIELD and HYDRA which is awesome because it was all over the internet, everything was there, I just think it's cool and the way she exposed herself is so brave so I just imagine she's a really cool person that can make anyone feel underestimate at close." Peter explained himself. "Sorry for the misunderstanding Ms. Romanoff." Peter said sadly to Natasha.

"That's actually really flattering, thank you." Natasha said with a smile.

"No Natasha, just don't." Tony said.

"Stark don't make me smack your head to stop thinking whatever you're thinking right now." Natasha said in annoyance.

"Now that's cool." Peter pointed at Natasha.

"Okay, I guess I was being too worried about something that is 1000% not going to happen but somehow flashed into my mind because I misunderstood the meaning of some words..." Tony blabbered but Rhodes cut him off.

"Just admit your mistake!" Rhodes exclaimed.

"Hey that should't come from you." Tony said in annoyance and the others couldn't help but laughed.

"Whatever." Rhodes rolled his eyes.

"Okay shall we continue?" Tony asked as he sighed.

"Wait wait." Peter said.

"What now?" Tony asked again.

"Just asking, we're cool right?" Peter asked shyly. "I'm sure you all get my point." He added.

"Yeah we're cool." Wanda said representing everyone.

"Okay back to Clint." Tony said.

"What? You haven't say it yet." Clint rolled his eyes.

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