9 - "not as beautiful as you"

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chapter 9

All of them walked together to the Black Panther cave, the seats were only meant for two peoples so of course Wanda shared with Vision, Tony shared with Bruce, Sam wanted to share with Steve because he is so sick of Bucky but he knew that it's better for Steve to share with Natasha, what would happen if Natasha shared with Bucky, the man that made her look terrible on bikinis by shooting a bullet through her. And oh yes, Tchalla shared with Shuri.

"This doesn't look like a food for picnic, this look expensive." Tony said as he stares at the food.

"I do agree." Sam added.

"Well enjoy your meal, it's the best steak we have." Tchalla said with a smile and they all.

"I'll just pretend to eat too." Vision said with a laugh.

"Ah yes, sorry." Tchalla said.

OK sorry too much other characters, let's go back to our main leads here ..

"This place looks nice right?" Natasha asked to Steve with a smile.

"Yes." Steve replied shortly as his heart is beating so fast right now, he had no idea why.

"Is there something wrong?" Natasha asked, noticing Steve had been avoiding eye contact with her.

"No there isn't." Steve said with a forced smile but it made him look weird.

"Are you not happy sharing your seat with me?" Natasha asked with a smirk.

"What? No. I like it. I like it to be with you." Steve said panickly and Natasha laughed a little. "Crap what was that last line supposed to mean." Steve said to himself. "Sorry it got cheesy at the end." He said shyly.

"It's cute." Natasha said as she feeds herself looking at him and Steve smiled. "If you had things going on, you know you can tell me right?" She asked.

"Yes I know." Steve replied. "But this one can't be tell." He said to himself.

"I actually had something that's on my mind, I wanted to say it to you but it's kinda embarrassing." Natasha said shyly.

"Is she going to confess to me?" Steve asked himself in shock.

"I shouldn't have told you but I feel like you should know about this." Natasha said which made him more curious, is she really going to confess her feelings to him?

"But you have to promise me something Steve." Natasha said putting down her fork and knifes.

"And what is that?" Steve asked with his heart beating massively.

"Don't stay away from me after hearing what I'm about to say." Natasha replied.

"Okay I promise." Steve said handing out his pinky and Natasha giggles. "What the hell Steve." She said in her laughs.

"Pinky promise, come on." He said moving his pinky.

"Geez fine." Natasha said as she entangle her pinky with him and they both pulled their hands away.

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