32 - bubblegum

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chapter 31

Natasha knows what's about to happen, probably her lips will end up entangled with his lips again but for some reasons she can't seem to let this kiss happen.

"Steve, you're not going to kiss me right?" Natasha asked as Steve's lips were close to hers, but he moved forward passed her face.

"What? No, I think I saw something." Steve said trying to look at her hair. "Let me use your phone." He said taking her phone from the floor and used the flashlight to her hair.

"Guess what? There's a bubblegum in your hair." Steve said and Natasha was surprised, but she knows who's the suspect. Yes, Clint Barton, digging his own grave.

"It's going to be hard to take off." Natasha said.

"Yeah." Steve replied with a nod.

"Here." Natasha said as he handed him a knife that she took from her boots.

"What the.. did you really bought a knife to here?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"You never know what will happen." Natasha said defending herself.

"And we came here to decorate for the love of God." Steve said again in disbelief.

"But the knife is useful now right?" Natasha said, not wanting to look wrong.

"I'm not going to cut your hair." Steve said as he sighed. "Let me try pulling it off, okay?" He said as he looked at her eyes then Natasha nodded.

"Please hold your phone for me." Steve said as he hands her the phone and he moved closer again to her telling her to look a bit to left.

"Is this okay?" Natasha asked.

"It's too far." Steve said and Natasha moved to phone closer.

While Steve was concentrating on pulling off the bubblegum, he didn't realise that his breaths were above her ear, causing Natasha to feel nervous surprisingly.

"What is it with you Natasha?!" Natasha asked herself in disbelief. For some reasons, Steve made her felt uneasy for several times in the past two days, but she keep on trying to keep her cool and knowing that Steve liked someone, it's probably a bad idea to be this close to him, then knowing that they aren't meant to be together, of course Natasha closes her heart completely for him but it's not wrong to feel a bit of spark sometimes right? She thought.

"I've been pulling your hair, does it hurt?" Steve asked in concern.

"Steve, I've been shoot, stabbed and many more worse injuries. My hair being pulled is like nothing compared." Natasha said trying to keep her cool and Steve laughed. "For a second I forgot who you are." Steve said.

"Very funny." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"You know who did this?" Steve asked.

"Probably Clint." Natasha answers in annoyance.

"I wonder why." Steve said.

"He's probably wishing for death." Natasha teased.

"Or he's probably jealous of your mesmerizing hair." Steve teased back and Natasha hit his stomach playfully.

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