29 - lights off

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chapter 29

"Nat!" Clint shouted happily as he sees Natasha walking towards them.

"Surprised you aren't late Barton." Natasha said sarcastically as she reached them.

"Surprised you decided to come Romanoff." Tony said mimicking her and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"You better keep your promise Tony." Natasha said looking at his eyes. "If you don't want to have 2 injured arms." She added with a forced sweet smile which of course creepy for Tony.

"Yeah just stop smiling like that." Tony replied as he looked away terrified and Clint laughed at him. "Coward." Clint teased.

"Guess you're contagious." Tony said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically and Clint frowned.

"So, what should I do?" Natasha asked as her eyes observes the messy room.

"Um, we can divide our tasks when Steve, Sam and Wanda came." Tony replied with a nod.

"Speaking about Steve, mind to tell us what happened?" Clint asked with a teasing smile.

"Nothing happened." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance, she's really tired to respond to such questions that involves Steve.

"Make out, pft." Tony joked out and Natasha glared at him.

"What is it with you so obsessed with make out?" Natasha asked angrily.

"I'm not obsessed, I just wanted to tease you." Tony said defending himself.

"Just quit it okay?" Natasha said.

"Was that a request? Because if it was, then I'm afraid it can not be fulfilled." Tony smiled.

"It's an order you idiot! And you better fulfill it!" Natasha shouted as she throwed a ball at Tony.

"Oh God!" Tony shouted in pain which is of course an act and Natasha rolled her eyes. "I won't fall for that you know." She said flatly and Tony frowned.

"Here." Clint said, handing Natasha a bubblegum as he walked towards her.

"You're finally being useful." Natasha smiled at him as she took the bubblegum and started chewing it.

"Whatever makes you happy." Clint smiled back. "I'm already used to be bullied these days." He frowned as he walked to the couch and sit down.

"Did something happen? Why are they so long?" Tony asked in annoyance.

"I don't know, Steve wanted to have a talk without me." Natasha replied nonchalantly, chewing her gum.

"Ouch, so you're left behind?" Tony joked.

"Well technically, I am the one that leave them to talk so I'm actually upfront." Natasha said.

"That is just stupid." Tony said.

"Like you." Natasha laughed and Tony rolled his eyes.

Moments later, as they heard a sound of the elevator, Steve, Sam and Wanda has arrived. "Hi." Wanda greeted happily as she, Sam and Steve reached them.

"What's wrong with your face?" Sam asked to Tony.

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