34 - party pooper

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chapter 34

Finally busy on their own jobs, they manage to finish everything right before 3 PM which made them still had 5 hours left before the party.

Before driving back to the HQ and went home, of course Tony asked them to gather at the main room for a while. "So tell me, in this 5 years, you're not bankrupt right? I mean you usually hire peoples to do these stuffs." Sam asked to Tony.

"Me? Bankrupt? You had any idea how much does it cost to hire this whole building?" Tony said as he scoffed.

"Typical Tony." Clint rolled his eyes.

"So you're just wasting our time." Natasha said with a forced smile, which is creepy.

"Hey, it's more fun to do it together." Tony said defending himself. "After you all left, I'll call some peoples to make sure everything is going to be perfect." He said proudly as Clint and Wanda rolled their eyes.

"See you tonight! 8 PM sharp!" Tony said as he stood up and walked away.

"He's unbelievable." Natasha shook her head.

"It kills him to say thank you alright." Sam said with a nod.

"Agreed." Clint said. "By the way, I guess you wouldn't be seeing Laura and the kids tonight since there will be alcohol." Clint said to Natasha as he walked to her.

"Alcohol? I thought this will be a friendly reunion party for us." Natasha said in disbelief.

"It happens to be a Tony Stark party then." Wanda said and Sam nodded. "Girls, drinks, a lot of peoples yeah something like that." Sam said.

"Well it's not bad to release stress, I guess I'll be seeing Morgan another time." Natasha said as she stood up and walked to the elevator.

"Are you guys up to something?" Steve asked suspiciously.

"No." The three of them replied.

"I suppose that's a yes then." Steve rolled his eyes and left them.

"We'll be fine, chill." Clint said reassuring.

"Yeah, no." Wanda said with and eyebrow up as she and Sam walked to the elevator too.

"You better not do anything Wanda." Natasha said to Wanda as she reached the elevator.

"I won't, I promise." Wanda shrugged her shoulder.

"I'm sleepy." Sam said.

"We don't care." Wanda replied to him as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sleepy too." Natasha said as she lean her back to the walls.

"You better take a rest then." Wanda replied to her.

"Excuse me?! Are you two people or what?" Sam said in disbelief and Steve laughed.

"Don't be such a drama queen Sam, it's not like it's your first time." Wanda said in annoyance.

"When there's no Clint, I'll be the one that got bullied, great." Sam said.

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