39 - truth or dare

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chapter 39

"What game?" Bucky asked.

"Truth or Dare!" Tony said in excitement as Natasha blurted out in disbelief, "truth or dare?" she said.

"Yeah truth or dare." Tony stated. "Why do I sense amusement on my choice of game?" Tony asked with an eyebrow up.

"What do you think we are? High schoolers?" Natasha laughed a bit and Tony rolled his eyes.

"I mean, trying to lift mjolnir was fun, perhaps we can try something else." Natasha crossed her arms.

"I honestly prefer to do or play normal things." Sam said with a nod.

"Sam's a boring person." Wanda said.

"Could you stop insulting me?" Sam said in disbelief.

"I don't think I can." Wanda chuckles.

"I wasn't asking, I was demanding." Sam replies in annoyance.

"It does sound like a question to me." Wanda defended herself.

"Okay enough nonsense, I'm the boss here so you should follow what I say." Tony exclaims.

"Hey we don't have a boss." Clint said. "And if we do, we wouldn't want it to be you." Clint added as Tony rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Let's just play because it's normal and we should probably act like we had normal lives." Tony said with a nod.

"That's better to be heard." Clint said and Tony rolled his eyes again.

"So Romanoff, you're in right?" Tony asked which gains suspicion from Steve.

"Yeah I'm just teasing you." Natasha shrugged her shoulder.

Steve walked towards Sam and whispered to him, "Are you up to something?" Steve asked.

"What who me? Nope." Sam replied a bit surprised.

"You're a terrible liar." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Wow." Sam said in shock.

"What?" Steve asked as he exhales.

"No, it's just that hearing it coming from you." Sam answered. "You have grown up Steve." Sam said proudly.

"You don't say that to me." Steve said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay guys, take your seat anywhere but of course not to far and try to circle up." Tony said as he clap his hands once to get everyone's attention.

So of course they gathered closer with a bottle in the middle.

"Alright! The rules are, no drinks, whatever it is, you had to do it or answer it!" Tony exclaims.

"That's not fair!" Clint acted in annoyance.

"It will be more fun like that." Tony said.

"Yeah Clint don't be a coward." Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up." Clint said

"First turn to spin the bottle is... Vision." Tony announced as he opened the small piece of paper.

"Where did you get the papers?" Steve asked in suspicion, earning looks from everyone.

"I had prepared it before." Tony answered in confusion.

"So you had planned this?" Steve asked and when Tony was about to answer, he glances at Sam who is giving him a warning sign. "Crap." Tony said to himself.

"Alright you got me." Tony surrenders which made Wanda, Clint and Sam looked at him with dissapointment.

"I just wanted us to gather first and I didn't plan anything yet but I'm scared some of you would probably be annoyed since we all know some of you had this thing called anger issue especially our Red head here." Tony said.

"I don't have anger issues." Natasha said in annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm the one that had anger issues." Bruce exclaims.

"But not anymore." Steve said.

"Yeah not anymore." Bruce said proudly.

"Alright, point is I just want us to have fun and I'm sorry I didn't planned anything yet and just blurted out a random game name." Tony lied followed by Wanda, Clint and Sam's smile. "And these are just empty papers, let's just decide with an AI spinwheel." Tony added, which of course an AI that he is able control.

"I thought wrong I guess." Steve said to himself

"Now let's get started." Tony said as he wink to his matchmakers mate.

"So I didn't get to spin it first?" Vision said sadly and Wanda pat his back.

"You will get your turn." Tony said with a nod and while he was about to spin the wheel, a familiar figure appeared which surprises some of them.

"S....." Steve was about to say in confusion.


Merry Christmas guys !! 🎄❤️

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