45 - mind full of wonders

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chapter 45

"Do you feel a tingle?" Steve question crossed her mind again.

"What." Natasha said to herself with disbelief and a face full of confusion. "What the actual f*ck." Natasha said again to herself in disbelief. "What is going on with me." Natasha said to herself again as she looked to the mirror in front of her. "Am I drunk?" She slapped her cheek lightly to sense her consciousness.

"You're not drunk Natasha." Wanda said as she came from an opened toilet room.

"F*ck." Natasha said surprised. "How long had you been there?" Natasha asked a bit worry.

"Long enough to hear all of your denials." Wanda whispered as she put both of her hands on top of Natasha's shoulder.

"What denials." Natasha said pushing her away in annoyance.

"Steve." Wanda said with her arms crossed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Natasha said looking away from Wanda and exit the ladies room.

"Natasha wait!" Wanda said chasing her as she hold her hand.

"What?" Natasha asked.

"We're not done talking." Wanda frowned. "Come on you can trust me." Wanda said proudly.

"After everything that happened today?" Natasha asked with an eyebrow up. "Yep I don't think so." Natasha added with a bitter smile. "So excuse me." Natasha said removing Wanda's hand from hers and walked to the lobby.

Natasha looked back to find Wanda is finally nowhere to be seen so she sighed in relief but as she turns her head front, Wanda appears in front of her, "F*cking hell." Natasha cursed and Wanda laughed.

"Got you." Wanda said with a laugh.

"Are you out of your mind?" Natasha said in disbelief.

"Glad you didn't yell dramatically and got your pride low." Wanda teased.

"Yeah, I'm not those cowards." Natasha said reffering to Tony, Sam and Clint then Wanda laughed.

"I'm sorry for what happened today." Wanda said sadly. "I was just trying to help you." Wanda added.

"Help me with what?" Natasha asked.

"You know what I mean." Wanda sighed. "Remember the conversation we had back at Wakanda?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah?" Natasha answered unsure of where is the conversation going.

"You deserve to be happy Natasha." Wanda smiled as she pats Natasha's shoulder with a hand.

"I'm not sure what are we talking about.." Natasha said in confusion.

"Guess everybody has their flaws and you suck at these kind of stuffs do you?" Wanda asked in disbelief.

"As in these kind of stuffs what do you mean?" Natasha asked.

"Love Natasha, love. You suck at love." Wanda said and Natasha's eyes widened.

"What love?" Natasha asked.

"Oh God do I really have to say everything?" Wanda asked in disbelief.

"Steve is clearly in love with you Natasha, everybody can tell it by the way his eyes looked at you but how come you didn't realise it at all?" Wanda said to herself. "Yeah I can't say that." Wanda added.

"I'm trying to help you out with Steve." Wanda sighed.

"What do you mean by me and Steve? Are you're trying to get us together?" Natasha asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Glad I didn't have to explain that." Wanda said.

"Wanda, don't waste your time." Natasha smiled. "Don't waste your time for something that isn't meant to be." Natasha added.

"Who knows?" Wanda shrugged her shoulders.

"Me and Steve? That's not gonna happen." Natasha laughed.

"Who K n o w s." Wanda said again.

"Stop it Wanda." Natasha laughed in disbelief.

"What made you think so?" Wanda asked with both eyebrows up.

"Steve only sees me as a friend, and so do I." Natasha answered.

"Really?" Wanda asked in disbelief. She herself can not believe that Natasha is too blind to tell that Steve's in love with her. Wanda badly wants to spit everything out but on the other way she thinks it will be disrespectful for Steve if she spit out everything.
Instead of convincing Natasha with Steve's
feeling nor act, Wanda recalled the thoughts Natasha had at the bathroom so she's going to use it against her.

"Do you feel a tingle?" Wanda asked with a wide smile.

"What?" Natasha asked in confusion.

"I said do you feel a tingle?" Wanda stated firmly.

"No." Natasha answered.

"Then why were you thinking about the question you already answered?" Wanda smirked.

"I don't know." Natasha answered.

"Because you feel a tingle, but you're denying it." Wanda said.

"I'm not denying it." Natasha said pissed off.

"You know I can read your mind right?" Wanda said flatly with cynical eyes.

"Damn it." Natasha sighed in annoyance. "So what if I do?" Natasha shrugged her shoulders. "Sure it means nothing." Natasha added.

Wanda smiled victouriously. "So you admit it." She said.

"Don't you dare tell a single soul." Natasha threatens her.

"Lips are sealed." Wanda said convincingly.

"I don't know what's happening to me." Natasha sighed heavily.

"Let's sit a while, you can talk about it with me." Wanda said as they both sat down on the couch.

"It feels weird to talk with you but okay." Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"Why?" Wanda asked.

"Since you're a kid." Natasha laughed.

"I'm not anymore." Wanda rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"So, what do you need help with?" Wanda asked.

"I feel weird since I got back from... you know." Natasha said as she take a gulp of her saliva.

"I know, don't mention it." Wanda said understandingly.

"Steve was the first person I see."
"But it felt normal of course."
"And yeah I'm happy with it because he's a very close friend of mine."
"Then I got drunk." Natasha explained.

"When is this drunk exactly?" Wanda asked.

"The same day, when you were all still gathered outside I got drunk and Steve was with me." Natasha answered.

"Please don't tell me you guys fuc..." Wanda was about to say but Natasha's eyes widened in shock as she cut her. "Don't say that." Natasha shook her head. Yeah she's definitely not a fan of hearing that because it might made her do some unnecessary things we call imagination.

"Alright sorry." Wanda teased.

"Wanda." Natasha glared at her.

"Yes sorry, continue." Wanda said getting her sense back together.

"I kissed him." Natasha said as she bit her lip.

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