Imagine for @directioner8696

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Nialls POV:
The boys and I were on stage having a good time messing around. Louis and I were wrestling and I lost my balance and fall face first. I got up and noticed that my braces were lose. I went and checked my mouth and there were a lot of brackets broken. Luckily it was the end of the concert so I didn't have to wait much longer.

Dr. Hummels POV:
I happen to be at the 1D concert and I happen to see Niall fall. By the look on his face, I knew that he broke some brackets. After the concert I decided to see if I could go backstage and look to see how bad the damage was. I found Paul and told him that i'm a dentist. He asked me for my ID and I showed it to him. He brings me backstage and I see Niall holding his mouth in pain.

Nialls POV
My mouth is absolutely killing me. I see Paul come backstage with a girl "Hi. I'm Dr. Hummer and I happen to see you fall and break a few brackets. I'm just going to look to see how much damage it did." I open my mouth for her and the look on her face went from happy to serious. "You need to let me fix them, otherwise you're going to be in a lot of pain until you get them fixed." At first I refused but she kept asking me to let her fix them. I finally gave up and agreed to let her do it. She leaves to go get everything set up at her office and I head into the car with Paul and he drives me to the office.

Dr. Hummel's POV
I see a car pull up and I figured that it was Niall. I went ahead of them to get everything set up. By the look of how bad it is, i'm going to have to numb him up in order to fix them. Paul has told me that he hates needles and freaks out every single time he sees one. They walk into the office and I tell him to come with me to the back. He follows me and I have him sit in the chair, he grabs a hold of Pauls hand right as soon as I recline the chair. I ask him to open his mouth and he does what I say. "I'm sorry Niall, but in order for me to fix them i'm going to have to numb you up." His face gets upset and he closes his mouth right away. "Niall, u need to open up. I'm going to put Jelly on your gums first to numb up the places before I put the needle in." He slowly opens his mouth and I put Q-Tips with numbing Jelly on them all around his mouth. I let them sit for a few minutes then take them out. I pick up the first needle and tell him that he's going to feel a little pinch. I put the needle in and he winches. I pick up another needle and do the same. I do that all around his mouth. After he's all numbed up, I start to fix his braces. After I finished I set the chair up and let him sit up. He gets up and leaves the office. I'm glad that he let me fix his braces up.

Hope u liked it !


Hey guys ! Sorry that I haven't been on in forever ! I've been really sick and busy with school. Hopefully i'll be able to keep updated with this account more.


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