Imagine for Breezyloves1d

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"Boys are here" I heard my brother and sadly dentist say. I've been experiencing a really bad toothache for the past week or so, but I don't want any of them to know. To be honest, I'm surprised I've been able to hide it for so long. "Hey Brianna how's it going?" Zayn said, walking into the living area. "I'm okay" I said just barely flinching when some air hit my sore tooth. "Are you sure you're okay? I just saw you flinch" Harry said, walking over to me and Zayn. "Yes I'm fine just leave me alo-OWWWW" I said while grabbing my cheek and hunching over in pain. "Sis is your tooth bothering you?" Niall said, bringing me into his arms. I nodded as I started to cry out of fear and pain in his arms. "You know that we're gonna have to look at it, right?" Liam said, resting his hand on my shoulder. I solemnly nodded my head as they lead me to Niall's car and we drove off to the office.


"Head back to room four and we'll be right there" Niall said. I slowly walked back to the room I was told to go to and sat down in the dentist chair. A couple minutes later the boys came into the room. "So here's the deal, Zayn is gonna be doing the procedure and Liam is gonna assist. That me means that Louis and Harry are gonna help you stay calm while you lay in my arms. Sound good?" Niall asked me and I nodded. I got up and sat in Niall's lap in the big chair again as Zayn  started to lean the chair back and turn on the light. "Alright just open wide for me love, I promise it won't hurt" Zayn said. I nodded and slowly opened my mouth to let the tools in Zayn's hands in. I could feel the cold metal tapping on each tooth until it tapped the one that was bothering me. When he did that a course of pain went through my jaw causing me to reach up and grip his wrist. "Sorry bug I didn't mean to hurt you, but you have a cavity that needs to be fixed" he said. Those words kept circling in my head as I broke into tears. "I-I-I d-don't w-w-w-want i-it f-f-fixed" I stuttered out between sobs. "I'm sorry baby sis, but it has to be done" Niall said to me with a pitiful look on his face. I was so busy crying that I didn't notice Zayn and Liam left the room and then came back in. When I noticed the new tray of tools I've never seen before, I started  thrashing around in Niall's arms out of fear. I noticed the boys look at each other as Zayn brought a scissor mouth prop towards my mouth. I tried to turn my head away, but Louis held it still. "Love please calm down, it'll be all over soon" I heard Harry whisper in my ear. I quickly relaxed because for some reason, Harry's voice just always soothes me. I snapped back into reality as I felt the inability to close my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a syringe of what I'm guessing is Novocain in Zayn's hand. I whimpered as it came close to my mouth and let out a shriek as it pierced the tissue by my tooth. "Sh sh, it's okay, you're okay" Niall whispered in my ear as I felt the cold liquid flow through and slowly numb the bottom right side of my mouth. A few minutes after, I saw Zayn pick up the dreaded drill and turn it on. At this point everything was just way too overwhelming for me and the drill coming into my mouth was the last thing I saw before everything went black.


I woke up to someone's chest rising and falling beneath me. I looked up to see that I was resting on Harry's chest with some cotton in my mouth. Being still tired from the earlier events, I fell back asleep.

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