Imagine for livingthebooklyf

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I can't believe this day has actually come. Way too soon by the way. Today I have to get my wisdom teeth out and I'm super scared. I mean like what if something bad happens while I'm under the anesthesia. "Tess c'mon it's time to go" my brother Liam called up the stairs. I quickly threw on a cute queen sweater from my boyfriend, my varsity sweats, and some Sam Edelman sneakers. I then threw my hair into a messy bun and made my way downstairs to meet my significantly older brother. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing his keys off the counter. "Ready as I'll ever be" I sighed,  walking with him to the front door. "Hey there's nothing to worry about. Everything is going to go fine and you're going to make a speedy recovery" Liam said, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks Liam, you're the best" I said before taking a deep breath and walking out to the car. I started shaking as I sat in  the car, nerves taking the best of me. "Remember nothing to worry about" Liam said, giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.  I gulped and nodded as we made our way down to the all too familiar named dentist office.  When we arrived, Liam immediately walked in to the office to sign me in and I slowly trudged behind him. By the time I made it into the waiting room my name had already been called and Luke was waiting at the entrance to the hallway for me so he could take me back to prep me for the upcoming oral surgery. "There she is! Now c'mon time to go  get your wisdom teeth out. Aren't you excited?" He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off while sending a glare and saying no. "Well look at it this way, once you get them out that means no more pain." He said leading me back to my designated room. "I'm still not happy about this" I said, nervously sitting in the uncomfortable dentist chair. "Don't worry about it and I'll be right back with Louis" Luke said walking out of the room. A few minutes later, Luke walked in with a way too happy looking Louis. "Hey Tessa how are you today?" Louis said, sitting down in the chair. "I would be good, but sadly I'm here so I'm not" I said with a pissed look on my face to mask my fear. "Anyway, I'm just going to insert this IV and the there will be some sleeping medication and fluids going into your system to keep you hydrated and asleep throughout the procedure. Sound good?" He asked, picking up a butterfly needle. I nodded and he took that as the go ahead to insert the IV. I felt a sharp prick then a cold feeling running through my arms before I drifted off into a deep sleep.


As soon as she fell asleep, I got to taking out her wisdom teeth. First I injected three shots of Novocain by each area where the teeth are. Then I made an incision in each area to expose the tooth. Next I used a special tool called and elevator to loosen up the tooth to make it easier to extract and then I extracted each tooth. Lastly I put dissolvable stitches in each area so that the gums would heal properly. Now that Tessa is done, I brought her into the recovery room and put some more morphine (pain meds) in her IV and gauze in her mouth to stop the bleeding and prevent her from biting her cheeks since she can't feel her face. I laid a blanket over her and put a special wrap that went around her face from under the chin to the top of her head which would decrease swelling and help with the pain once she wakes up. I then left her alone with one of the nurses so that she could sleep in peace.


A dull ache in my jaw woke me up as I looked around the unfamiliar room. "Where's Liam?" I asked to the person sitting near me. "He's in the waiting room, but I can go get him if you want" the person said and I nodded in response. I thought that when you wake up from having your wisdom teeth out, you're supposed to be really out of it. I looked at the clock and realized that I had been out for three hours. 'That's probably why I'm not feeling  the effects' I thought to myself as another sharp pain ripped through my jaw.


"Liam?" I  heard someone say and I turned to see a nurse looking around the waiting room for me. "Right here" I said walking up to her, kinda confused as to why she was looking for me. "Tessa just woke up not too long ago and is looking for you" she said as she laid me back to the recovery room that Tessa's in. "Hey bug" I said sitting in the chair next to her and holding her hand. "Hey Li Li" she said turning to face me with a small grimace on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked slightly concerned. "Jus' hurts" she said sitting up straighter with a groan from her achy muscles. "Well good news is that we can go home right now and pick up your medicine and loads of ice cream on the way, sound like a plan?" I asked, waiting for a response. She nodded and I loaded her into the wheelchair that Louis provided and wheeled her out to the car. I stopped by the store to pick up her prescription and the ice cream flavors that she asked for. We soon made it home where I put her to bed with a glass of water, her pills, and a tub of ice cream waiting for her for when she woke up. I heard a "thanks Li Li I love you" come from Tessa and I walked over to her and gave her a light kiss on the forehead and said "I love you too" before walking out for real this time.

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