Imagine for 1D_storylover

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I woke up to a dull ache in my jaw, but I just brushed it off. 'probably just slept on it wrong' I thought to myself. I continued to get ready for our busy day. I walked into the main room to greet the boys. "Hey Harry!" Niall said. I responded with a hi and a grimace. "What's wrong Harry?" Liam asked, walking towards me. "Nothing just a little toothache, don't worry." I said. "I'll stop worrying as soon as we take you to the dentist because you're getting that looked stupid" Liam said. I tried to fight them but I knew I was fighting a losing battle so I just gave up. By the way my sister Catherine is my dentist and she's known for being really strict so wish me luck.


We walk into the waiting room and it's hoping. The boys probably called in advance to let them know. I start shaking as I sit in one of the waiting room chairs. My older sister the comes out and says. "Harry come back and let's get this over with. I'm on a tight schedule." She then turns around and walks back to the furthest exam room back and the boys and I follow. At this point I'm just about ready to run, but I know better than to waste my sister's time. We walk into the room and I sit down in the chair. "Now Harry what's the problem?" Catherine asks while leaning the chair back. "Well the bottom of my mouth hurts towards the back" I said. She turned the light on and told me to open. I did and she started poking around until she hit one of the sensitive spots, I let out a yelp and she retracted the tools from my mouth. She turned to me and said "Harry you have two pretty bad teeth back there that need to be taken care of." "How would they need to be fixed?" Niall asked. "We we would have to extract both teeth and that would be it." I started shaking just at the thought of the extractions. I tried to make a run for the door, but Zayn grabbed me around the waist and put me on the chair where my sister strapped me to the chair and my mouth held open so I wouldn't be able to move and potentially hurt myself. "Harry you know that it needs to be done so please try to cooperate." Catherine said while sighing. She then brought out a big needle and brought it towards my mouth. I started to cry as it got closer and screamed when the needle penetrated the tissue. Louis held my hand while Liam and Niall whispered soothing words to me and Zayn ran his fingers through my hair. Catherine brought out the extracting device and that's when I passed out. I woke up a while later I my bed with the boys surrounding me. I lazily smiles and fell back asleep.

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