imagine for dwtshough

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Brye's POV

I have a dentist appointment today and my boyfriend Niall is coming with me. I have to get 4 cavities filled and 2 teeth pulled and i'm terrified of needles, so my boyfriend Niall is coming with me.

Nialls POV

I got to Brye's house to bring her to the dentist. She's scared just like I am when I go to the dentist. I got to her driveway and get out of the car and walk up to her front door, I knock on it and she answers the door. "Hey Babe." "Hey." "You ready to go?" "Yea." We head back down to my car and head out to the dentist.

~Skip ride to the dentist and Waiting room~

Brye's POV

I was now sitting in the dentist chair that I hate so much holding Niall's hand. The dentist comes in and lowers the chair. She asks me to open and she starts the cleaning. After she finishes the cleaning she knows how I get with Needles, so she put the laughing gas nob on my nose. She takes the first needle and numbs me up. She then takes the second needle and numbs me up again. She moves onto the other side and numbs me up twice on that side. She lets it sit for a few mins then gets started on filling the cavities. When she was finished filling the cavities she got started on pulling out my two teeth that neede to be pulled. After she was done she put my chair up and Niall helped me up and into his car.


Niall's POV
I helped Brye into my car and drove her home. Her face is all swollen because of the numbing shots she got. We go back to her place and we went to the couch and just layed there cuddling. A few hours later her numbing went down and she was in pain. I gave her some Advil, and she was out. I layed her down in her bed and I layed down with her and slept with her that night.

This imagine is for one of my best friends @dwtshough hope you like it !
and forever who's waiting for an imagine, i'm sorry it's taking so long ! I'll try and get it up as soon as possible !

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