Imagine for Knielsen27

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Recently I've been really worried about my girlfriend Kat. She's been wincing when she brushes the right side of her mouth and she only eats really soft foods like mashed potatoes. I think there's something wrong with her teeth, so I made a dentist appointment for this morning for her to get her tooth checked out. I know she's not very fond of the dentist, so I tricked her into thinking I'm buying her lunch at Qdoba. "Babe I'm ready to go" I heard Kat yell down the stairs. I grabbed my keys and we walked out to the car.



James had me blindfolded the whole car ride, and when he finally took the blindfold off, I wasn't happy. He took me to the dentist office, my least favorite place on this planet. "James how could you?!" I asked him in pure terror. "Kitty Kat, I know your mouth has been hurting you. Please just get this fixed because I hate seeing my boo in pain" James said, leading me over to one of the waiting room chairs. As soon as we sat down, a man in sea foam green scrubs, came out with a clipboard and called me back. James stood up, but I stayed rooted in my chair. "Babe c'mon they called your name" James said, pulling me up by the wrist. "No James I don't want to" I said, trying to pull out of his grip. "Kat I am so done with your attitude. If you want to go ahead and live the rest of your life with no teeth and have to get dentures at 30, then go ahead. Or you can go into that exam room and let the dentist fix your tooth in 90 minutes tops" James whispered harshly in my ear. I quickly got up and followed him into the exam room. When we entered, there was a man who looked to be in his mid 20's with chocolate brown curls and hazel green eyes. "Hello I'm Dr. Styles, but you can call me Harry. I heard you have a little toothache, so just sit in the chair and I'll take a peek" Dr. Sty-I mean Harry said. James gently pushed me into the chair and sat in the extra one next to me. I felt Harry put a bib around my neck then leaned the chair back. I tried to sit up, but James roughly shoved me back down and gave me a look. "Alright love, just open your mouth, I'm just gonna look around with my mirror and explorer. Nothing scary" Harry said, coaxing my mouth open. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the cold metal run along my teeth. "You obviously take very good teeth, but it's just this one..." Harry taps the tooth causing me jump and let out a groan "... seems to be the problem. It looks like a pretty deep cavity, you're going to have to get a root  canal" he said with a somber look on his face. At this point I was just so done with everything, so when James and Harry weren't looking, I got up and ran outside of the exam room. Sadly I didn't make it very far, because little did I know that James was on my tail. I felt him throw me over his shoulder, carrying me back into the dreaded room. It was different this time though. When I looked at the chair, there was a board on it with straps. "Guys what's going on?" I asked out of fear. "Well since you don't want to cooperate with Harry, I thought it would be best if we just make sure you're still for the whole procedure, I don't want you injuring yourself because of your stupidity" James said, tossing me into the chair. I was so scared of him right now, so I just sat back in the chair and let them strap me down. I felt the chair going back once again. "Open please" Harry said with a gentle smile on his face. I slowly opened my mouth, just wanting this all to be over. Harry quickly numbed me, which surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. He quickly cleaned out the roots of my tooth and filled it, putting a crown on top for extra protection. Today was a very eventful. James didn't get off the hook for the way he treated me at the dentist. Needles to say, he was given the silent treatment for a good amount of time.

SO SO SO SORRY for the long wait for an update. I'm not gonna try to make excuses, but me and Ceri have made a decision about something. So every week, we will post a request list. Meaning we will put together a list of the requests that will be worked on and they will be put in order of when it was requested. Sorry again for the long update and I hope you enjoyed this update.


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