Imagine for @AimeeHoran

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Harry's POV

This morning I wake up to my alarm clock and I turn to look at the clock and it's 8:00. Why the hell am I up at 8:00 during break from tour?! Oh wait I have to take Aimee to the dentist and her appointment is at 10:00 and knowing Aimee she absolutely does not like the dentist. For those who don't know, Aimee is my 4 year-old little angel. Well anyway I should probably go wake her up so we can get ready.

Aimee's POV

Daddy came in to wake me up this morning. He said we had to see this man named Louis. I think Louis  is one of Daddy's friends, but I don't know. Well Daddy i soicking me up now and putting my shoes on, I guess we're going to go see Louis now. We got in the car and started driving to a familiar house. Oh I know it's Uncle Niall's house! I love Uncle Niall he's really funny and has a funny accent. Uncle Niall got in Daddy's car and we drove off to see Louis. "Hey princess how are you?" he asked. " Good, Daddy said we're gonna go see Louis." I said really excited. He then turned to Daddy and asked him something. I don't know what, but he looked really serious. Daddy shook his head no and then we arrived at some place that said 'Dr. Tomlinson Pediatric Dentistry for Young Smiles'. I think I've been to one of those, it wasn't fun though. The teeth cleaning lady kept hurting me and she poked my tongue. Then the dentist man said I had something called a cavity, then he strapped me down and started using this scary spinny thing that made scary noises on my tooth and it really hurt. I don't want to see the dentist now.

Niall's POV

We arrived at the dentist and I looked back at Aimee. She read the sign and looked confused, then looked terrified. I guess she had a bad memory with dentists. Harry came to her side of the car and try to pick her up. He asked her to come out, but instead she started screaming and crying sayn 'no daddy' and 'no mean dentist man' and 'no scary swirly thing'. Oh! She's scared because a dentist drilled a tooth I guess. Hmm maybe he/she hurt her. I told Harry to let her go then turned to Aimee and asked her "princess why don't you wanna go inside?" she looked at me and said "mean dentist when I was with Nana Ann, hurt tooth with spinny thing with scary noises." I nodded, so she did get a filling, but i guess they didn't numb her. "Baby did you tell thim the didn't make the ouchies go away?" I asked her. She nodded and then said something that surprised me "me tell them, but they no listen. They make me no move on the chair and hold mouth open". Harry and I both stood there shocked, but then Harry said. "Baby Dr. Tomlinson won't hurt you, he's very nice and wiill make sure you know what he's doing, okay" She nodded and we brought her into the office. As Harry checked her in, I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs and started to read her a book until a nurse in teddy bear scrubs called us back.

Harry's POV

We walked behind the nurse into the the exam room and Aimee started to whimper in my arms. I quickly started bouncing her up and down and shushed her until she calmed down. One she calmed down I sat in the chair with her in my lap. The nurse put a bib around Aimee and started asking me questions like 'has she been feeling any pain lately?' I shook my head no. The nurse nodded and typed some things into the computer. Then she started tilting the chair back. Aimee tried to sit back up, but I gently leaned her back so that I wouldn't freak her out. The nurse then turned the lights on and stared the cleaning. I don't think it was actually going to the dentist itself that scared her, but having a male dentist. Aimee was able to get through the hygenist doing her work with only a few casualties and breaks. Now the dentist has to come in and make sure that her teeth look alright. I'm nervous to see how she reacts.

Aimee's POV

We've been here forever and Daddy said we can leave when the dentist man comes. I don't wanna though. What if he makes my Daddy leave and hurts me. I wanna go home. The the door opens and some man walks in. "Daddy no! Please Daddy me wanna go home! Daddy no let him hurt me!" I scream as I thrash in Daddy's arms. "Baby he's not gonna hurt you, he's just gonna mae sure all your teeth look healthy." Daddy said, but I only shook my head and continued screaming. The doctor the whispered something into Daddy's ear then Daddy nodded and the doctor walked out.

Louis (Dr.) Tomlinson's POV

I was walking down the hall of my practice to see my next patient when the Miranda, one of the hygeinists walked out of the room I was about to go into. "Be careful Louis, this girl is reall scared. She freaked out four times while I was cleaning her teeth and was crying and screaming the whole time." I nodded, but it's probably nothing I can't handle since I am a dentist who works with young children. I walked into the room and as soon as the little girl saw me, she started thrashing around in her dad's arms while screaming things to him while I'm guessing her uncle or something like that looked on pitifully trying to help her calm down. I walked over to her dad and said "if you want, we can give her laughing gas to calm her down so I can check her teeth." He nodded so I left the room to go get the gas from one of the equipment rooms.

Niall's POV

I couldn't help, but watch helplessly as Aimee thrashed around in Harry's arms. "Aimee, how about you sit in my lap?" She nods and I sit on the chair and sit her in my lap. Just then, Louis walks back into the room with a tank and Aimee starts freaking out again. I quickly start rubbing her back and shushing and turned her away so she wouln't see Louis. He then lied us back and she started freaking out again. I had to hold her down so she wouldn't hurt herself or Louis. He then put the nozzle on, but that just made her even more afraid. I had to hold her hands to her side so the happy gas could work. "Don't worry princess this is just happy gas. It makes you giggly when we give you tickles." She calmed down a little after that. Just enough for Louis to do what he needed to get done. Then we carried a sleepy Aimee out of the office and we drove home. 

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