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"Hey Y/N, don't forget that you have to come into my office for a cleaning this afternoon" My older brother Niall reminded me, putting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me as he started to eat his breakfast. "Niall do I really have to? You know I hate the dentist!" I said, pushing my plate away.   "First of all: eat your breakfast because I didn't make it so you could just push it away. Second of all you're going whether you like or not, I've let you slide by without a dentist appointment for almost a year and a half now. ENOUGH" Niall said, slamming his fist on the table, making me jump. I quickly ate everything that was on my plate and went upstairs to get ready. I'm super scared of the dentist and I wish Niall could realize that there is no age limit to being afraid of the dentist. I quickly threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and threw my hair into a loose pony tail. I then raced down the stairs and into Niall's car because I know better than to mess with him. We quickly made it to his office and I walked back to my designated exam room and waited in the chair for Niall to come in. "You know the drill, and I hope that you'll cooperate this time" Niall said sternly as he walked into the exam room I'm in. He washed his hands at the sink and put some gloves on all while leaning back the chair. I started shaking as he picked up the first two tools and brought them over to my mouth. "Open" he instructed and I complied, not wanting to get into any more trouble than I'm already in. "I flinched as the cool metal ran across my teeth, not liking the feeling at all. He quickly got through the cleaning and I started to sit up to leave, only to be pushed back down. "Niall what are you doing? What's going on?" I asked with a nervous tone. "I just need to bring someone in to look at your teeth for a second opinion. Nothing to worry about" Niall said as he got up and left the room. Before I could get the chance to escape, Niall came back in with another dentist and leaned the chair back again. "Princess this is Dr. Hood. He's the orthodontist that I work with" Niall informed me. 'Orthodontist? Why would I need and orthodontist unless...' "Nope. Nuh uh. No way am I getting braces" I said trying to get out of the room. "Sit down right now. I've had enough of your behavior today. So you are going to sit in this chair and behave" Niall said in a stern tone, glaring at me. I whimpered and moved back into the chair. Dr. Hood leaned the chair back and asked me to open my mouth. I slowly did and his tools went in. He started saying random numbers, but after five minutes he removed his hands from my mouth. "So your brother here is right" he said. "You will need braces and probably for at least two and a half years. Your teeth are in very bad shape and it needs to be fixed." He said. Next thing I know I'm back to laying flat in the chair with this plastic thing in my mouth while Dr. Hood glues metal to the inside of my teeth. I chose incognito braces so I wouldn't have to face too much embarrassment from having them. "And you're all done" he said, raising the chair. I ran my tongue across this new contraption on my teeth and to say it was uncomfortable is an understatement. "Alright little sis let's go" Niall said, leading me out the door. I ignored him and just walked straight to the car, not talking to him the whole ride home. "Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked. "WELL MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU ACT LIKE A HUGE ASS TO ME WHEN YOU KNOW IM TERRIFIED OF THE DENTIST. INSTEAD OF COMFORTING ME YOU YELL AT ME AND I'M TIRED OF IT" yelled at him. He had a shocked look on his face, which quickly turned to a look of guilt. "I'm sorry. I just want what's best for you and I know sometimes I give you a little tough love, but it's only because I care" he said. "I know Niall and I'm sorry for yelling at you" I said looking down. "Princess you have nothing to be sorry for" He said to me. And we stayed in each other's embrace, silently forgiving. 

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