Imagine for 1D_storylover part 2

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~The Next Morning~
Niall's POV
I was woken up by Liam and Louis. "What?" "U need to wake up! We have to get going" ugg! I completely forgot about the dentist appointments today. "Fine" I get up and take a quick shower. I brush my teeth really well. I go downstairs to meet up with the boys. We all get into Harry's Range Rover and drive down to the office.

~at the office~
Niall's POV (still)
All the boys have gone back and Harry was back there now. Which meant I was next. Oh god, i'm nervous. "Niall, mate, ur going to be fine." Just then Harry came out and told me it was my turn. I got up with the help of Liam and Louis, and they followed me back. "Alright sweetie, Just sit down and Dr. Hepburn will be in in a just a sec." I sit down on the chair already gripping the arm rests.

Liam's POV
Poor Nialler. He's shit scared of the dentist. Just then his dentist Dr. Hepburn came into the exam room and washed his hands and put on some gloves and a face mask. He then asks Niall to open his mouth which Niall did. He looks around Niall's mouth then asks if he can speak to me and Louis in the hallway real fast. "What's up doc?" "Well, it looks like Niall has 4 cavities in the far back molars of his mouth. And ur guys management said that everything needs to be done today." "Ok. How r we going to tell him?" We walk back into the room and Niall asked what's wrong. "Niall, u have 4 cavities in ur back molars and management said that everything needs to be done today."

Niall's POV
I can't believe that I have 4 cavities. This sucks ! The one thing I hate more than the dentist itsself is the needles. I just wanted to jump out of that chair and leave. But I couldn't. I saw the doctor come back in with a tray full of needles, drill burs, and the filling for the cavities. He sits down on his rolly chair and tilts my chair back. He knows how I get when these things happen so he decided to use the laughing gas on me. He puts the little nub on my nose and he starts by asking me to open my mouth. I do what he says and he put some Jelly into my mouth so that it numbs the spot. He then takes one of the needles off of the tray and brings it from back around so I don't see it. But let me tell u, I saw it. He pulls my cheek back and puts the needle in. He finishes up numbing that tooth but he still has 3 more to go. He picks up another one and places it into my mouth. At this point i'm full on crying. I'm holding onto Liam and Louis' hands but they don't really help. He finishes numbing up the second tooth and takes the third needle off of the tray. He asks me to turn towards him, which I did, and he pulls my cheek back again and pokes me again with the needle. He finishes up with the third tooth and by this point my mouth is completely numb. But he still has 1 more tooth to go. He picks up the last and final needle and places it in my mouth. He then lets the medicine take effect then he stars filling my cavities.

~After Procedure~
Liam's POV
It was hard to watch Niall cry through that whole thing. I hate seeing him upset, when Dr. Hepburn finished, he put Niall's chair up and Louis and I helped him up and we walked to the waiting room where the rest of the boys are. They saw how Niall was and they helped us bring him out to the car and back to the hotel. When we got to the hotel, we brought Niall up to his room and put him on his bed. He fell asleep right away. "Night Nialler we love you" I say while giving him a quick kiss on the forehead and leaving the room.

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