Imagine for 1D_storylover

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 Adele's POV...

         This morning I was cuddling on the couch with my husband Niall and our 4 year-old daughter Khloe is upstrairs in her princess room playing. Everything is so peaceful and quiet. Suddenly my phone vibrates and I look at the caller ID and it's Liam. I then pick up the phone.


(L= Liam, A= Adele)

A- Hey Liam how's it going?

L- It's going alright how about you?

A- I'm doing okay

L- Well I have a quick question for you

A- Alright

L- So you know that I'm a pediactric dentist right?

A- Yeah why?

L- When was the last time that Khloe went to the dentist?

A- Probably back when she was one

L- That's a really long time, she needs to see a dentist!

A- I know, but she really doesn't like dentists

L- What if she saw me instead?

A- Sure I don't see why not

L- Alright then how about tomorrow afternoon at 3:00?

A- Sounds like a plan

L- See you then

A- Alright bye Liam

L- Bye


"What was that about?" Niall asked. "Khloe has a dentist appointment with Liam tomorrow afternoon at three." Oh great.


"Khloe sweety time to wake up" I said as Niall and I walked into her bedroom. "Why mummy?" she asked. "We have to go visit Uncle Li Li at a special place." Niall said. She nodded and we were on our way.


We walked in and Zayn came over to greet us. "Hey Zayn how are you?" Niall said as we walked over to the front desk. "Hey Little K" Zayn said bending down to Khloe's level. She whispered a hi and hid behind my leg. "Well Liam's ready for her so one of you can come back with her." he said. We both agreed that Niall would go with her since she's a daddy's girl.

Niall's POV

I walked into the room with Khloe perched on his hip. "Hey mate" I said to Liam and he waved. He waked over to Khloe and said "Hey Khloe how's my favorite neice?" She giggled and tucked her head into my neck. I walked over the chair and sat on it with Khloe in my lap. Then Liam came and put a bib around her neck and started tilting the chair back. I was surprised at how calm Khloe was being about this. That was until Liam brought out the first two tools. Liam asked her to open, but she shook her head and and turned away. "Princess you have to sit still and let Liam do what he needs to do okay?" I asked her. She nodded and turned back over and opened her mouth. We got throught the rest of the appointment with little fuss, I was so prooud of her. "Alright mate she's all done, but try to keep her away from thumb sucking because it's starting to push her front teeth forward." I nodded and walked out of the exam room with Liam following behimd us. He relayed the info to Adele and we left. I turned to Khloe in the car and said "now the dentist isn't that bad is it princess?" She shook her head no and the next time i turned around she was sleep. My brave little princess.

Sorry guys this is really long

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