Imagine for hd1997

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I've noticed for awhile that my girlfriend Hannah hasn't been to the dentist in awhile so I decided why not schedule an appointment because she NEEDS a routine checkup. Not to mention the fact that she's been flinching and wincing for the past few days. I'm a dentist and thankfully she knows that so I decided to just make an appointment with me instead of her old dentist Dr. Heigel. I called my receptionist and made an appointment for Hannah tomorrow morning at 11:30.


I could hear Louis talking downstairs making an appointment for me to go to the dentist. Truth is I'm terrified of dentists and I would do anything not to go. "Louis! How could you?!" I yelled storming down the stairs. "What? What did I do?" He said alarmed. "You made an appointment for me to see the dentist when you know good and well that I'm afraid of the dentist" I said starting to tear up. "Awee babe it's not that bad and you're going to be seeing me, not Dr. Heigel. Plus I know that one of your teeth are bothering you so I just want to be able to take the pain away" He said looking at me in the eyes before pulling me into a hug as tears spilled over the waterline of my eyes, running down my face. "Okay, but you won't hurt me, right?" I asked, looking up at him. "Oh my goodness baby of course not, I love you and I would never hurt you" he said bringing his lips to meet mine for a short and sweet kiss. I nodded and we cuddled for the rest of the night, but I couldn't sleep knowing what was awaiting me the next morning.

                                                                             THE NEXT MORNING

I woke up to Louis gently shaking me and telling me to get ready to go to his office. I got out of bed and hopped in the shower, lathering my hair and body with coconut shampoo and conditioner and pineapple body wash. Once I was done, I threw my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth, wincing as my toothbrush hit my already sore tooth. I squinted and let out a whimper in pain as it ran across my jaw. I walked out of the bathroom and threw on some black leggings with the store name pink down the sides in white and a black and white Chanel top with zippers on the side and to top it off some original colored timberland work boots and cream colored Birkenstock socks. I then walked down to meet Louis at the front door so that we could head out to his office.

                                                                                AT THE OFFICE

We pulled into the parking lot and Louis got out of the car while I remained seated just staring at the front doors of the dental office. "C'mon babe let's go in now" Louis said, holding his hand out to me. On shaky legs I got out of the car and Louis escorted me into the building. Before I knew it, I was tilted back in the chair with a paper bib around my neck and metal tools sitting at my lips, waiting for my mouth to open. I slowly opened my mouth as Louis started tapping and counting the teeth in my mouth. He hit the tooth that's been bothering for awhile now and I let out a pained scream, slamming my mouth shut. "Babe please open up so I can look" Louis said pleadingly. I shook my head as tears started streaming down my face. "No no baby shh please don't cry I only want to help you" he said, taking both of my hands in his, looking into my eyes. I lightly nodded as he gently pushed back against the chair as to not scare me anymore than I already am. "Just the mirror, that's all" Louis said as he went back to the tooth that's bothering me. He soon finished looking in my mouth and leaned back in his chair,  giving me a sad smile. "I'm sorry love, but you have a wisdom tooth that needs to come out. I can either just numb with some Novocain and pull it or I can put you to sleep and pull it." He said starting to prep for the procedure. I opted for staying awake because I wanted to know what he is doing. "Just a small pinch" he said bringing the syringe of Novocain closer to my awaiting mouth. As soon as the needle pierced the sensitive tissue near my sore wisdom tooth I let out a high pitch scream and started thrashing around. Louis had to get on top of me and pin me down in order to properly inject the medicine without me causing any serious injury to myself. He soon finished with injecting the liquidy medicine into my gums and got an ice pick like thing to start extracting my tooth. "What is that and why is it going into my mouth?!" I asked in pure panic. "Relax babe it's called an  elevator, it loosens up the tooth so that it's easier to extract. It won't hurt, I promise" he said, bringing it closer to my mouth. I looked at it warily, but slowly opened my mouth. It was a really weird sensation as Louis started moving the tooth with the elevator, but slowly turned into searing pain as he put more pressure into pushing the tooth. I let out a loud whimper and lifted my left arm up in a fist. He immediately took the elevator out of my mouth and put another full syringe of Novocain in. We waited five minutes for the area to be completely numb before he continued with extracting my wisdom tooth. After ten minutes, he finally finished taking out the tooth and stitched my gums, then had me bite down on some gauze to stop the bleeding. "Fanks Lueh" I said before falling asleep, leaving him to carry me to the car and drive me home.

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