Imagine for @princessnicolehoran

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Nicole's POV

I woke up this morning to my phone vibrating next to me. I looked at the ID and Niall's mom was calling. I answered the phone and said. "Hey Maura, what can I do for you?" Then she said "I need a favor from you." "What is it?" I asked. "Well Niall, he doesn't really like dentists. More like scared of them. He was okay with going as long as someone was with him up until his last visit something happened and now he doesn't want to go period." She said. I'm confused as to what this has to do with me. Almost as if she read my mind, Maura said "I'm telling you this because knowing that you are a dentist, you would be able to give him a cleaning and maybe he'd wouldn't be as scared because he knows you." I agreed and hung up with Maura. I then called the secretary at my office and asked her if I had any openings for today. She said no, so I'd either have to bring him in tomorrow or take care of him before the first appointment today. I decided with option B because tomorrow will be even busier than today. Now I have to wake Niall up so we can get ready. "Niall, NiNi, time to wake up." He groaned and turned to face me. "Why? I don't have to go to the studio until 2PM." "Babe your mom called and said you had to have a dentist appointment so I kind of scheduled you one." His eyes widened and he turned pale. "Babe you okay?" I asked worriedly. He nodded and straightened himself out the said "yeah I'm fine it's just the dentist" "What about the dentist?" I asked. He mumbled something and I caught 'pain' 'mean' 'scary'. "Babe you know you're going to be seeing me not some stranger who's only going to scare you even more." He nodded and we started getting ready to go. When we got to the car Niall started shaking and taking steps back towards the house. "Niall come on, I promise I won't hurt you." He walked back and got into the car. One the way to the office he was a shaking whimpering mess. When we pulled into a spot at the office he nearly screamed. We got inside and walked to the furthest exam room back. I got him to sit in the chair and I was just able to get the bib around his neck. Now to start the cleaning, I turned the light on and he squeezed his eyes shut. I then started to lean the chair back and his breathing increased. I quickly stopped and tried to calm him down. As soon as he calmed a little, I finished leaning the chair back and picked up the mirror and explorer. Niall's eyes widened and he started whimpering and he had a steel grip on the armrests of the chair. "Is the pointy thing really necesary?" Niall asked. I nodded and he hesitantly opened his mouth. I was able to get through the first half of the cleaning when Niall really started to freak out. He needed sealants, but he thought it was going to involve needles. "Babe you need to calm down. There are absoloutely no needles okay?" He shook his head and said "No you're lying it's gonna hurt. I don't want it to." I leaned the chair back, shushing him as he kept on rambling about how it's going to hurt. "Niall babe I need you to realx and open your mouth. If you cooperate, we can cuddle when I get home and you can have lots of kisses." He nodded and opened his mouth. So he wouldn't close I put a prop in his mouth to hold it open. He started freaking out again when I inserted the prop. "Babe the sealants are a pretty lengthy procedure, this is just so that your mouth doesn't get tired, okay ?" He shook his head and tried to take out the prop, but I moved his hand away. "Niall stop it babe please. Do you want to go home and cuddle?" He nodded as silent tears fell down his face. "Well if you want to cuddle when we get home, your going to have to let me do my job." He whimpered but nodded. I was finally able to get through Niall's procedure with some sweet nothings and giving him a few breaks. I lifted the chair and told him he was done. And from now on, I'm now his dentist

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