Imagine for...

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"Dad! Dad wake up!" I heard my son Louis yell as he shook me awake. "What do you want Lou?" I asked, sitting up in my bed. "I was at the office yesterday looking through (Y/N)'s file and it's time for her to get her 6 month check and cleaning" he said, handing me her file. "You're kidding right? This is a joke" I said in disbelief. My daughter is PETRIFIED of dentists even at the tender age of four. Me and Louis looked at each other and mutually agreed that it's better to just trick instead of dealing with more trouble than it's worth. I walked into her room and decided to just bring her into the office before she wakes up. Me and Louis walked out to the car, but not before packing some snacks and a lunch for her to eat for after the appointment. Five minutes later we had reached the office and (Y/N) started waking up. She lifted her head off my shoulder and looked up at the sign staring straight at her. She soon was aware enough to realize where we are and fell into a fit of sobs.


I felt bad as (Y/N) began to cry, knowing that I'm causing my baby sister so much distress. I took her from my dad's arms and started rocking her back and forth while walking into the building. We made our way back where I had already set up some tools and a bib earlier this morning. (Y/N) saw the tools and started squirming in my arms, trying to run away. "(Y/N) stop. It won't be that bad. How about you sit in my lap while Boo Bear cleans your pearly whites how about that?" Dad asked while sitting in the dentist chair. (Y/N) whimpered and shook her head no. "Love, how about after you're done, you can check my teeth and dad will help you since he's a dentist as well? Then would you let me clean your teeth?" I asked, lifting her head so that she was looking in my eyes. She nodded and I sat her in my father's lap then washed my hands and put on a pair of gloves. I picked up the bib and clipped it around her neck than leaned the chair back. (Y/N) let out a low whine and tried to sit up, but dad gently pulled her back down as to not scare her anymore than she already is. I turned the light on and shifted it so that it was above her head, then picked up the mirror and explorer laying on the tray next to the chair. "Alright hun open up" I said, resting the tools right at her mouth. She whimpered, but slowly opened her mouth and squeezed her eyes tight. I moved the tools inside her mouth and started scraping the plaque off her teeth, reminding her of how well she's doing. I soon finished and picked up the toothbrush and dipped it in her favorite toothpaste flavor, pepsi (yeah we have soda flavored toothpaste). I quickly brushed her teeth and applied flouride, then raised the chair back up. By then she had already forgotten about our deal (thank goodness because I have a toothache, but that's another story). "She just needs to brush a little more and she's all set" I said to my father as we left the office. That night I taught her how to properly brush her teeth and her smile has been even better since.

One Direction Dental ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin