Imagine for @EliseNap

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Kate's POV

"Collin! Alexi! Come down for dinner!" I yelled upstairs. I have two kids named Collin and Alexi. Collin is 15 and Alexi is 6. Them came running downstairs and sat at the table. I served them their dinner and I noticed that they didn't immediately dig in as they usually do. I was a little concerned, but brushed it off as they started to eat their dinner. "Kids I forgot to remind you that you have a dentist apppointment with Dr. Tomlinson tomorrow, so I'll be picking you up from dchool early" I told them. They both looked nervous, but nodded. Hmm I wonder what's up with them. "Is everything okay?" I asked them. I got a 'yes mommy' from Alexi and a 'never better' from Collin, alright now I definitely know something's wrong.

Collin's POV

I can't believe I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I'm usually not this anxious when it comes to going to the dentist, but recently I've had this horrible toothache and I'm scared that it might be a cavity. Anyway, I should probably go to bed because I have school tomorrow.


Alexi's POV

I woke up and started to get ready for school. I put on my school uniform and walked out of my room. Collin just happened to be walking out at the same time as me and we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. As we brushed our teeth, I went over my ouchie tooth. I was feeling owies in one of my teeth and I don't want mommy to know and the evil dentist man to fix it. He's only gonna give me more ouchies.

Collin's POV

I ran out of the house without eating breakfast thankfully unnoticed. I ran to catch my bus and sat next to my girlfriend Maia. "What's wrong babe?" She asked placing a hand on my thigh. "I have to go to the dentist" I said turning to look at her. "What's the problem then? I thought you weren't afraid of the dentist" "I'm not, but I have a really bad toothache and I dont want to get it fixed" "Oh babe you'll be fine" "thanks" I said as we arrived at school.


I just got called down to the office, guess it's time to go to the dentist. Maia gave me a good luck kkiss and said that I would be fine. I walked down to the elementary wing of my school and picked up Alexi. We walked together out of the school to our mom's car. "You guys ready to go?" She asked, I just stared out the window as we drove off to the office. Once we arrived, I hopped out of the front and carried a scared Alexi into the office. We sat down in the waiting room as our mom signed us in and soon enough Alexi was called back.

Alexi's POV

I heard my name being called, but instead of following I cowered into Collin's neck. "C'mon Alexi it's your turn" Collin whispered in my ear. "No bubba" I said as I broke into a fit of tears. I felt bubba pick me up and carry me into the exam room, which only made me cry harder. He tried to put me in the chair, but I fought against him. Eventually he gave up and sat in the chair with me on his lap. "Hello love, Collin how are you two?" He asked while putting a napkinny thing around my neck. I whimpered as Louis leaned the big chair back. Collin whispered sweet nothings in my ear. "Can you open up for me sweetie?" Louis asked and I shakily opened my mouth. He started poking in my mouth with a hookie thing and then he hit my sore tooth. I let out a yelp and started crying again as Collin tried to calm me down. He called mummy in and told her I had something called a cavity that needed to be fixed. Next thing I know, there's a thingy going on my nose and I started feeling funny. The rest of what happened was a blur, but I remember mommy picking me up and bringing me to the waiting room while Collin got his teeth cleaned.

Collin's POV
I watched as my mom carried Alexi back to the waiting room while I stayed back here. "So bud you ready?" Dr Tomlinson asked while motioning to the chair. "You know, I think my teeth are perfectly fine, yep nothing to look at so I'll just go" I said while backing towards the door. "Uh uh uh, get back here and sit in the chair" he said a little more stern. I gulped and slowly lowered myself into the chair. He put a bib around my neck and leaned the chair back. He asked me to open and I did. He started poking around my mouth then retracted the tools from my mouth. "Well it looks like you have your first cavity" he said like it was the best thing in the world. I jumped out of the chair and sprinted to the door but he was too quick for me and brought me back to the chair. "Sit and I'll be right back with your mom" he said and left the room. A few minutes later, he came back in with my mom. Louis proceeded to lean the chair back and asked me to open. As soon as I did he brought out a huge needle  and I quickly shut my mouth. "Collin I promise that it won't hurt, it's just a small pinch" he said. I shook my head and gave my mom a pleading look "mom please don't make me do this". "Collin you're getting this done  end of story, I have to go back to your sister" She said sternly and walked out of the room as a male nurse came in. I looked at his tag and it said Niall on it. I slowly opened my mouth and winced as the needle pierced my skin. Suddenly I hear the sound of this drill, I squeezed my my eyes shut tight and gripped the arm rests as the drill neared my mouth. I almost jumped a mile high when the drill hit my tooth, but just held a vice grip on the chair as Dr. Tomlinson did his work. When he was done I jumped out of the chair and practically sprinted to the waiting room. I then went home with my mom and Alexi and rested my sore mouth.

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