Imagine for Prettyanpink

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Can I have one where I'm Harry's Younger sister and I'm terrified of the dentist. My mouth have been hurting but I hide it. Harry finds out and takes me. All the boys but Louis are dentists and Louis as a orthodontist and it needs Louis attention. But I'm somewhat scared of Louis because he's loud and stuff. (Louis and the boys r Harry's best friend) Harry and the boys have to hold me down. I'm like 15 or whatever? Please

Abby's POV

My mouth has been hurting for the past two weeks, but i've been hiding it from my brother, Harry, because I know as soon as he finds out he'll take me to the dentist, because thats what he does for a living. 

We were currently sat watching a movie, and Harry bought through some popcorn. It was always a tradition of ours, but I knew with my mouth I couldn't eat any. We were about half way into the movie, and that's when Harry realized I didn't eat any popcorn.

"Why are you not eating popcorn, you love popcorn!"

"I'm just not that hungry." I said which was partially true.

"Is everything okay Abby, you know you can tell me if anything is bothering you, right?" 

"NO! Everything is fine, I swear." I rushed out, eager to not give away anything.

"Are you sure, is your mouth okay?" 

"YES! Its fine, don't worry!"

"C'mon then, at least have one piece."

I carefully took a piece, and hesitantly put it in my mouth. I knew he was watching my every move, so i tried to be careful, and not bit it on it with my tooth that has been hurting, but I failed miserably, and started crying in Harry's lap. 

"Whats wrong with your mouth baby girl? You can tell me anything."

"My tooth hurts" I whimpered out.

"Then I think it's best that we go into the office and get it checked out" Harry said, starting to lift me off his lap. 

"NO! Please no. Harry you know how scared I am of the dentist." I said, my tears falling faster than before. 

"I know hun, but if you don't get it looked at, then it will only get worse." He said, rubbing my back. 

I silently nodded and allowed him to bring me to the car. Once we arrived at the office, all previous bravery that I had disappeared and was replaced with paralyzing fear. 

"Harry I don't think I want to do this anymore" I said, staying in the car. 

"Abby, I know you're scared, but we're not playing this game. Now please get out of the car and let's go get your tooth fixed" Harry said calmly, but sternly.

Not wanting to make my brother frustrated with my behavior more than he already is, I stepped out of the car. Walking into the clinic, I'm greeted with the smell of latex and toothpaste and the sight of my brother's friends Louis, Niall, and Liam. 

"Hey love, we heard you have a toothache, so why don't we head back and take a look" Liam said gesturing down the hallway.

I whimpered and gripped onto Harry's arm tightly as we made our way down to the examination room. Upon entering, I was gently nudged over to the dreaded dentist chair. I sat in the chair, but not before sending and wary and scared look to my big brother. 

"Hey Abby look at me. Everything is going to be okay, okay? You have nothing to be scared of. I'm right here and no one is going to hurt you." Harry said, stroking my hair.

Soon after I felt the chair jolt, then steadily leaned back. Hanging onto my brother's words of encouragement, I bravely opened my mouth to let Liam examine the tooth. It didn't take long for Liam to find the tooth because I let out a cry as soon as the explorer tool touched it. 

"I'm sorry love, but it looks like your teeth are misaligned, which is  probably what's causing you all this pain" Liam said. 

"Does that mean I'm gonna need braces?" I asked in a worried tone. 

"Hopefully not, but Louis mate, why don't you take a look just in case" Liam said making room for Louis to come over and take a look. 

Knowing that I might need braces on scared me more. So when Louis asked me to open my mouth, I shook my head. After him begging me for a good three minutes, I finally opened my mouth, allowing the orthodontist to look. 

"I can definitely see what you're talking about Li, but I think that it'll sort it's self out in time. She's only 15, meaning her jaw and teeth are still growing, so I say give it time. For now just take some Tylenol for the next few days and then we'll see. And if the pain lasts more than a week, definitely bring her back in Haz." Louis reported out. 

Thankfully I didn't have to get anything done and that it's not something super scary. As soon as me and Harry got home, I gave him a hug, thanking him for taking me, and then I went up to bed. 

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