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Niall's POV

I woke up to my girlfriend Kate gently shaking me and telling me to get up. "What's wrong?" I asked "you have a dentist appointment in an hour and you need to get ready. I shook my head and groaned "I don't want to go." "Niall babe I know that you're scared of the dentist, but this is just something you need to do. I nodded and got out of bed. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and met her by the door. "Are you sure I have to go? I mean it could be to the wrong person?" I suggested as a last ditch effort for getting out of visiting my dentist. "No Niall, I know what you're doing and it's not working" she said to me. I solemnly nodded and got in the car. On the way I was wringing my hands and shaking with nerves. When we got there my eyes started to water, but I had to stay strong. We walked in and I sat down while Kate checked me in. She sat down next to me and held my hand while brushing her thumb over my knuckles to calm me down a little until I was called back. A few minutes later, my favorite nurse, Harry came out in his signature green scrubs and called me back. I got up and followed behind, but not before getting a good luck kiss from my amazing girlfriend. We entered the exam room and he told me to sit down. I obediently sat in the chair and he tilted it back while turning te light on. "Open please" he said as he picked the mirror and explorer tools.  I shook my head and turned away "please Niall I promise it won't hurt" I slowly turned back over. "Now Niall you know the drill, you know I hate doing this, but it has to be done" he said. I started panicking because I knew exactly what he was talking about. When I'm at the dentist and won't open my mouth willingly, they insert a mouth prop so that they can do what they need to do. I refused to open because I didn't want that to happen. Unfortunately for me, that didn't stop Harry from slightly prying my mouth open and inserting the prop. He started tapping each tooth until he hit one that really hurt. I let out a pained yelp and he immediately retracted the tools from my mouth. "I'll take some x-rays then get the doctor to check out that tooth." I shook my head and tried to tell him no, but the thing holding my mouth open was making it impossible to understand. Harry somehow seemed to get the message, but took the x-rays anyway. Five minutes later, my dentist Dr. Hepburn came in. "Hello Niall, how are you?" He asked while washing his hands. I tried to talk, but the prop was still in my mouth. He came over and took it out then went to go put some gloves on. "I'm alright, but the usual scared and nervous self when it comes to this" I said. He nodded and rolled over to where I was sitting. "Now Harry told me that you experienced some discomfort when he was doing the exam?" He asked me while leaning the chair back. He brought the light over my mouth and asked me to open. I whimpered, but obeyed this time, not wanting the prop to be in my mouth anymore. He picked up two tools and started looking around at my teeth. He poked at my sore tooth and I let out another yelp. He took the toools out and looked at the x-rays. "I'm sorry to say this Niall, but that tooth needs to come out, it's infected and must be extracted. I started freaking out because the only thing I hate more then dentists are needles. "Niall are you okay?" Dr. Hepburn asked me. I shook my head "no I don't want it! I DONT WANT TO!" Kate must of heard because she came bursting into the exam room. "What's going on?" She asked while trying to calm me down. "I just told Niall that he has to get a tooth pulled because it's infected" she nodded and turned to me "babe, you know you have to get this done, I know that you don't like needles, but I'll be here the whole time." I shakily nodded and I felt the chair leaning back into a lying position. I felt a nozzle go over my nose and I was out. I woke up at some point later in my bed with Kate by my side.

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