Imagine for Fanfictionaddict101

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Lilly's POV

I could hear Ashton calling me down, and saying it was time to leave for the dentist. I really didn't want to go, because I knew I was getting fillings, and I'm terrified of the dentist. Him and his friend Calum are my dentists, and I hate that, because he's always in dentist mode with me, and always reminds me to floss.

He finally dragged me into his car, and we were on our way to the clinic him and Calum worked at. When we arrived it was fairly quiet because it was still quite early in the morning.

"I'm going through to set up with Calum, you stay here and we'll call you back when were ready okay?"

"Okay" I mumbled quietly, not wanting to be here, and he knows i'm terrified, so he's making this worse for me by making me wait so long.

As the clock ticks by, my anxiety and fear rises until i'm almost in tears. Just as one is about to slip out I hear Ashton calling me through.

"Come on Lil"

I shakily stood up and walked to where he was standing.

He noticed that I was shaking so he gave me a hug while guiding me into the room and whispered that everything will be okay in my ear.

He let me go and I sat down in the chair, Calum went around to recline the chair, but I sat up quickly. Calum gently pushed back my shoulders so I was lying down again. The further I went back the more I was freaking out.

Ashton and Calum seemed to pick up on this quickly and tried to calm me down.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine Lil" Calum said

i started to slowly calm down, and when Calum realised this he asked me to open my mouth. I refused to open my mouth, because I knew he was going to hurt me.

"Lily would it better if we sedated you?"

"NO!" I shouted, because they could do anything while I was asleep.

I discreetly saw Calum give Ashton a nod and I suddenly felt something prick my skin- a needle. i tried to move away from him, but i was held in place by Calum.

Not even 10 seconds later I was knocked out cold.

Ashtons POV

Sedating her was a last resort, but we had to do what was best for her, and if she wasn't cooperating then there wasn't much we could do. Calum got a mouth prop and opened her mouth, while I went o get all the tools. We did a quick x ray on her to see how many cavities she had, and it turns out she had 5! How did I not notice?

Calum was making the compound and I started to numb up her mouth. Calum then started drilling out her teeth, and then filling them in. The whole process took about three quarters of an hour, so she wouldn't be around for another half an hour or so, so I picked her up and took her to the recovery room for when she woke up.

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