Imagine for Bre5SOSrocks

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"Bre come down already you have to get the cleaning whether you like it or not" Niall yelled up the stairs. I was currently hiding under my bed, whimpering because unfortunately, I had to get a cleaning at the dentist and to make matters worse, my older brothers Niall and Harry are my dentists. I don't like going because Niall is always about getting things done and has no time for "shenanagains" as he likes to call it. On the other hand, Harry is the one who comforts me through the appointments and lets me know that everything is okay and that really helps me get through getting my teeth cleaned. "Bre can I come in" I heard a familiar voice say, knocking on the door. "Okay Haz, but only if Niall isn't there with you" I said. Soon after, I heard the creaking of my old bedroom door opening and Harry's footsteps walking in. "Kitten where are you?" Harry asked. Slowly with a small whimper, I came out from under my bed and ran into Harry's arms. "Haz are you sure I have to go today? Can't you just do my cleaning instead of Niall?" I begged trying to get out of being in the dreaded dentist chair with my teeth exposed to my strict dentist of a brother Niall. "I'm sorry kitten,     but it has to be done and Niall is your dentist so he has to clean your teeth. But I promise, I'll be with you holding your hand through the whole thing and you can squeeze it as hard as you need to."He said, giving me an encouraging squeeze. I nodded against his chest and he left me alone to get dressed. I quickly threw on a loose knit sweater and some leggings and then my UGG ankle high moccasins. I then threw my hair into a high messy bun. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth then flossed, then went downstairs to meet Harry and Niall at the front door. "Alright Bre, let's go. And if you try to run away, you'll be over my lap quicker that you can say root canal" I nodded in fear, letting Niall know that I understand and then I walked out the door to the black Range Rover with Harry in the front and Niall behind me to make sure that I couldn't run away. We made it to the car with no fuss and we were off to the dentist. Soon enough, but too soon for my liking, we arrived at the dentist and I was escorted into the building. "You know the drill, just go with Harry to exam room three and I'll be there in a sec" Niall said, turning to the receptionist to get my file. I followed Harry back to the exam room on shaky legs and stopped as soon as Harry walked through the door. "C'mon kitten it won't hurt, just sit in the chair and Niall will be in soon" Harry said, patting the big dentist chair. I took a deep breath and inched towards the chair and slowly lowered myself into it. Just then, Niall walked into the room with a freshly sterilized set of tools. "You know what? I think my teeth are clean and healthy so I'll just go" I said starting to get out of the chair. "Nope. Stay right there and I mean it" Niall said, getting up in my face. I whimpered and leaned back in the chair. I felt a hand grab mine and I looked over to see Harry holding my hand and sending me an encouraging smile. I smiled back and turned over so Niall could clean my teeth. "Open" he said and I opened my mouth just wide enough for the tools to fit in. I gripped Harry's hand hard in mine as I felt the cool metal running along my teeth. "You're doing such a good job kitten" Harry whispered in my ear as Niall continued scraping plaque off of my teeth. Now it's time to brush my teeth. I hate this part because it always sounds like a drill and he presses the toothbrush too hard on my teeth which hurts, a lot. But because I just wanted to leave as soon as possible, I decided to just open my mouth and let Niall clean my teeth. I tensed as the toothbrush came closer to my awaiting mouth, but Harry gave my hand a light squeeze to reassure me that I would be okay. Although getting my teeth brushed hurt a little Harry helped me and it was over before I knew it. After Niall did the fluoride treatment and we were officially done. "Princess, I'm sorry that I'm so hard on you when it comes to getting your teeth cleaned, but I just want to make sure that you're healthy." Niall said giving me a hug as we drove home. "It's okay Ni, I'm just scared sometimes" I said, giving him a forgiving smile. From now on I don't think I'll be as scared of the dentist knowing that Niall cares about me.

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