Imagine for 1D_Storylover part 1

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Liam's POV
Management decided that they need to talk to us. So the boys and I headed to where they were at. When we got there, they told us to sit on the couch. We did as we were told. "Alright, boys, tour's coming up and that means u guys all need to go to the dentist to get ur teeth checked and cleaned." We were all relieved at what he said.

Niall's POV
Oh god, no! I can't! I hate the dentist so much ! None of the boys know that I hate the dentist. I jump off the couch and run straight for my room closing the door and locking it. Ever since I got my braces off, I promised myself I would never go back there again.

Louis' POV
I wonder what happened with Niall. When they said we had to go to the dentist he ran out of here as fast as he could. Is he afaird of the dentist? He couldn't be. I decided that I was going to check on him.

Niall's POV
I heard a knock on my door. "Niall? It's Louis" "Go Away !" "Niall, plz I just wanna talk" I go and open the door for him and he lets himself in. "Niall, what happened to you? U ran out of there as fast as you could." "Lou, i'm shit scared of the dentist." "Niall, theres nothing to be worried about, if u want we'll tell Liam about this and we both will come in with you while having ur teeth clean." "Yes. Plz tell Liam"

Louis POV
I call Liam up and tell him everything. He agreed with me and were going into the room with Niall tomorrow. Were going to help him over come his fear.


Sorry if it's short, i'm going to add the dentist scene in part 2.

One Direction Dental ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin