Imagine for directioner8696

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Niall's POV:

Liam came up to me one day and told me that my girlfriend Amanda hasn't had a Dentist appointment in a while and since Liam is her brother and a dentist I asked him if he can set up an appointment for her he says yes and makes an appointment for her. I guess I have to go wake her up and tell her the truth. 

Amanda's POV: 

I heard footsteps coming up to my room and it's either my boyfriend Niall or my brother Liam. When I found out it was Niall I told him that he could come in. "Hey Princess." "Hey baby." "I have something to tell you babe." "What?" "Liam told me that you haven't had a dental check-up in a few years. So I set one up with Liam." "WHAT?!!!! Ni, you know my fear!" "I know babe, but  all I want is your teeth to be healthy. and I will be there with you the whole time." "OK, ill try it." "That's my baby. Lets get going we don't want to be late."

-Skip car ride and waiting room-

I was now in my brothers office sitting with Niall on the chair. Liam comes in with Harry and Liam says that he needs just me on the chair. Niall sets me on the chair and Liam asks me to open my mouth, I refuse to and cover my mouth. Liam struggles with me for a few minutes but then finally agrees that Niall can lay down with me on the chair. Niall lays down on the chair and lays me on top of him. Liam asks me again and I still don't want to, but Niall whispers to me that I can do it. Louis comes in out of nowhere and starts stroking my hair. Liam asked me to open once again and this time I complied.he checked around my mouth and taps on a tooth that hurts. 'I'm sorry to say this Amanda, but it looks like you have a few cavities. I'm going to take X-rays to see how far down they are." He takes the X-rays and says that I can either have them pulled out or filled. I decided to have them pulled because I don't wanna sit in this dreaded dentist chair anymore. My brother get's everything ready and my fear is starting to take over again. I start to hyperventilate and Niall tries everything to calm me down but he can't. Liam decides to put Laughing gas on me to make me calm down. He goes to get the tank and he put the nozzle on my nose. A few minutes later I'm calmed down enough but Liam keeps the Laughing gas on me just to make sure i'm comfortable.

Niall's POV:

I feel so bad for Amanda, she has 2 cavities that need to be pulled and I know her fear of needles I have the same reaction as her when I see them. When Liam came back with them she freaked out so badly. But Liam decided to use Laughing gas on her. She calms down a few minutes later and Liam gets out the numbing gel before he sticks her with the needle. After he takes the numbing gel out he pokes her with both needles. After he's finished, I bring her home and take care of her for the next few days.


This imagine is for Directioner8696 Sorry you had to wait so long for it! I added a few other things to it, so I hope you like it! Please send us requests thanks guys!


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