Imagine for @directioner8696

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I'm so excited! I've finally been able to make time in my busy schedule as a dentist to go to a One Direction concert. I love their music and thy are all so cute. I never thought that I would see them like ever. "Are you ready to go?" my best friend Melissa told while coming into the main room of our shared apartment. "Yeah let's go" I said walking out towards my Cadillac Escalade.


Walking towards the entrance with Melissa, we were met by an usher "may I see your tickets so that I can show you to your seats?" He asked with his hand stretched out awaiting our tickets. I pulled my ticket out of my purse and Melissa followed suit. We placed our tickets in his awaiting hand and he led us to our seats which are in the very first row. "Enjoy the show" he said before walking away. Soon enough the boys came running out onto the stage ready to put on a stellar performance. A few songs into the concert, I noticed Louis wincing a little, but I thought nothing of it. But then in the middle of his solo in Diana, he let out a yelp and reached for his cheek. Harry rushed over wondering if he was okay and Louis meekly nodded and struggled to finish his solo. He quickly walked over to security as soon as the song had finshed and they walked him backstage. Not even thinking, I quickly walked up to a security guard "excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that Louis was experiencing pain in his mouth and I'm a dentist so I could check it out and help him if that's okay" I said. He hesitated for a second before walking me out of the stadium and towards a bus "this bus is for when we have doctors and dentists check the boys, why don't you set up and I'll go get Louis" the security guard said and I nodded before he walked off the bus. I started getting a tray of tools together as Louis and Harry walked onto the bus and into the dentist side of it. "Hi Louis I'm Dr. Hubbell and I noticed that it looked like your mouth was hurting and I just want to have a little look if that's okay" I said, shaking his and Harry's hand while motioning to the chair. Louis seemed a bit scared, but Harry gave his hand a quick squeeze and led him over to the chair. I put a bib around Louis neck as Harry sat in a chair off to the side and held Louis' hand. I started leaning the chair back and Louis quickly squeezed his eyes shut. I picked up my mirror and explorer as soon as the chair was in the right position. "Alright Louis can you open up for me? I just want to take a look" I said. Louis shook his head and covered his mouth while pleadingly looking at Harry as if silently begging him not to make him do this. "Babe you have to get your tooth fixed or else it's only going to get worse" he said looking into Louis eyes. Turning back to me, he slowly opened his mouth and allowed me to put the tools in his mouth and start searching for the problem. As I made my way to the back bottom right, Louis let out a yelp as I tapped on one of his bicuspids. He quickly closed his mouth and turned away again. "Louis please open up I need to take another look" I pleaded, but he wouldn't budge. "What if I just take a few x-rays instead" I said trying to compromise with him. Louis looked up at Harry as a way of reassurance. Harry nodded and I went to get some films. "Louis just open and bite down on the film then I'll take the x-ray and that's it" I said while placing the lead apron over him to protect him from radiation. He complied and I placed the first film in.


I walked back into the room and pulled up the x-rays on the computer screen. "Now if you look here, you'll see that there's a good sized cavity that will need to be fixed, but Louis don't worry it won't hurt a bit" I said, turning to a terrified Louis and a worried Harry. In a split second, Louis made a run for the door but I guess their tour manager Paul had a different idea. He picked Louis up and carried him back into the exam room where I had a papoose board waiting on the chair. As soon as Paul placed Louis down, me and Harry got to work strapping Louis down and securing him in the papoose board. "Now let's get started" I said while picking up a syringe of Novocain. Louis stared at me bug-eyed and burst into tears."No no no no NOOO!!! I can't do this I don't wanna it's gonna hurt"Louis said with crocodile tears running down his face. "Louis babe it's okay, only a small pinch and that's it" Harry said while stroking Louis hair. Louis looked back at the syringe that was in my hand as if having an internal debate about whether or not to just get everything over with. Slowly he opened his mouth and clamped his hand down on Harry's hand. So there wouldn't be any mishaps, I inserted a mouth prop into Louis mouth "this is just so your mouth doesn't get tired during the procedure" I told Louis, but me and Harry both knew that wasn't why I was using it. I started injecting the Novocain as Louis squirmed under me trying to say something through his propped open mouth. Soon enough I was done and got everything set up to start the actual filling while the numbing agent kicked in. As soon as Louis let me know that he was numb, I picked up the drill and got to work cleaning out the decay. I don't know if it was the sound or the feeling of the drill, but Louis started screaming his head off with a fresh set of tears and looked up at me with petrified eyes almost resembling a small child. I had to ignore it to get the job done, but Harry did a good job with trying to keep Louis calm by stroking his hand and whispering sweet nothings to him, constantly reminding Louis that everything will be okay. I finished cleaning out the decay and started to put the filling in the tooth. As soon as that was done I cured the filling with the special light. "All done" I said while raising Louis chair. As soon as he was out of the papoose board he bolted for the door with Harry trailing behind yelling a thank you on his way out.

One Direction Dental ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin