Request for FANFICTIONADDICT101 Part 1

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I woke up this morning and the back of my mouth was hurting. Hopefully I dont have cavities. I have a dentist appt anyway today. So I guess i'm going to find out. I go down stairs and see my older brother Harry sitting at the table. He's coming along with me to the dentist today. "Hey Katelyn" "Hey." He passes me some breakfast but I dont take it. "Are you ok?" "the back of my mouth is hurting. But I have a dentist appointment today." "Do you need me to bring you?" "Can you?" "Of Course." We head out to his car and start driving to the dentist.
~skip car ride and waiting room~
I was now sitting in the dentist chair with Harry right by my side waiting for my dentist Dr. Larrabee to come in. When he finally did he lowered my chair and asked me to open. When he started the cleaning, he was getting close to the spot where my gums were hurting. When he reached that Area, I let out a scream. "We'll take some X-Rays and see what's going on back there." He takes the X-Rays and tells me that my Wisdom Teeth are in and need to be taken out. I just stare off into space not want to deal with the pain. "Katelyn? are you ok?".......

Harry's POV
My sister just went blank when her dentist told her that she needs to get her wisdom teeth out. I tried getting her to come back but it was no use, she was just starring into space. Still shocked.

This imagine is for fanfictionaddict101 Sorry it took me so long to get it up ! Part 2 will be coming up soon. Sorry for the wait ! Made Part 1 a little bit longer. Hope you like it ! Again sorry for the wait !


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