Imagine for @1D_storylover

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Liams POV 

I gotta go wake up Y/N (your name) because I gotta bring her to the dentist. I know she's shit scared of the dentist but i'm going to help her through it. I head up the stairs to wake up Y/N.

Your POV 

I hear Liam coming up the stairs. He only comes to wake me up if I have a dentist appt. then I remember that I have one today. UGG! 

(L-Liam Y-You)

L- Y/N time to wake up.

Y- Why Liam?

L-  Because you have a dentist appt today. and I know ur scared, but i'm going to help you through it. Now get up we gotta head put soon.

U get out of bed and walk downstairs after doing everything u need to do in the morning. U guys head into the car and head down to his friends office. You guys get there and they bring you back. They tell you to sit in the chair and you obey them. Niall tells you to open your mouth and he starts to clean your teeth. U hold onto ur brothers hand the whole time. He finishes cleaning your teeth and lets you go. 

One Direction Dental ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin