Request For FanFictionAddict101 Part 2

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Katelyn's POV
I could hear my brother and the dentist both calling my name but I couldn't snap out of the place I was in. I was finally knocked out when the dentist started lowering my chair. He put a nozzle on my nose and thats all I remember before I blanked out.

Harry's POV
I decided that while my sister was having her wisdom teeth pulled out, I was going to go to the store and go to the pharmacy to get her pain medicine. When I got to the store I parked then went in and got a bunch of ice-cream, ice packs, jello, ect. I decided that I was going to make something for her to eat that was soft. I went up to the pharmacy that was there in the store and dropped off the precription. Then i shopped around a little more. I wanted to spoil my sister so I got her a few things that she likes. Hopefully these will make the time go by fast. I was looking for one more thing when my phone rang I answered it and it was the dentist saying that she was all finished. I told them that i'll be there in 20 minutes. I found the last item and went to get her precription from the Pharmacy. Then headed to the dentist to pick up my sister.

Katelyn's POV
When I woke up my face was numb and my cheeks were full of cotton balls. I saw the dentist come in with my brother and I asked what happened. They both told me that I had my wisdom teeth taken out and that's why my face was numb. The dentist was telling Harry and myself that i'm going to be in pain for about a week and that I need to take it on time otherwise the pain is going to be really bad. After he was done taking to us, he and Harry helped me up and out to Harry's Range Rover where I fell asleep on the way home.

Harry's POV
When I got Katelyn in the car she fell asleep right away. When we got home I had to wake her up and help her inside. When we finally got inside I put her on the couch and went to get the stuff out of the car. I gave her some ice packs to help with the pain and swelling. I took off work for a week to help her recover and it was a great week.

~A Week Later~
Katelyn is all healed up now and is not in pain anymore. She thanked me for taking care of her for a week.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heres Part of the imagine requested by fanfictionaddict101 sorry for the wait again ! Hope this is long enough. Again, i'm sorry about the wait. And whoever is waiting for a request, I will get it up ASAP! We have a lot of requests and we keep getting more.


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