Imagine for @1D_storylover

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Adele's POV 

Yay! i'm so excited! I get to see my favorite boyband One Direction in concert tonight. I've been waiting for like 3 1/2 years to see them. I told my parents that I wanted Front Row tickets for christmas, but they said that they couldn't afford them. Then when Christmas morning came around, my parents handed me an envelope and I opened it up and on the piece of paper is said One Direction: On The Road Again Tour  Toronto, Rogers Center August 20th,2015. I look to see where the seats are and it says front row. I thank my parents very much. 

*day of the concert*

I'm sitting in my seat waiting for the concert to start. The music comes on and I start jumping around like an idiot with my friend. I was looking and I hit my tooth on the pole that's inbetween the stage and fans. I take out my phone and see that I have a chipped tooth.  I start crying from how much pain i'm in. I guess Niall has noticed also because I see him talking to Paul about something. Paul comes up to me and asks me to come backstage with him. I go backstage and wait until the boys finish the concert. I hope that none of the boys are also a dentist, because I hate the dentist. 

Niall's POV 

Right as soon as I saw that girl hit her mouth on the pole, I knew she would have a chipped tooth. No one not even the boys know that i'm also a dentist. Only Paul knows i'm also one. When we finish the concert I run backstage and go to get the stuff that I need. I go to the room that Paul put the girl in and I sit down right in front of her. "Don't worry sweetie, i'm not going to hurt u i'm just here to check how bad the chip is." Just then the other 4 boys come in and see me dressed in my dentist uniform. "what the?" "Its not what you guys think." " Why didn't u tell us u were also a dentist?" "Because, I didn't want you guys to be all freaked out." "It's ok Ni. We wouldn't of freaked out." Paul then snaps us out of the talk and bring us back over to Adele. I ask her to open up and she did. I take out my explorer and mirror. I check the chip tooth and all the teeth around it. It doesn't look that bad but I have to numb her up so I can fix it. "So Adele, the chip isn't that bad, but i'm going to numb u up and fix it. Lets go to the other room. We go and head tot he other room. I know she's scared, but she's tryin not to cry in front of us. I ask her to sit in the chair and she did. I ask her to open her mouth and I gently poke her gums with a very tiny needle. I fix up her tooth and let her leave. That went well. 

One Direction Dental ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin