Request for -Letmeloveyou-

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*Baby now we have bad blood, you know it used to be mad love, so take a look what you've done cause baby now we have bad blood*

Blared my alarm clock as I woke up for another day of work. But a sharp pain in one of my teeth interrupted my previous happy morning mood. 'I can't possibly have a cavity' I thought to myself. You see, I hate the dentist. The tools and rubber gloves and the smell just freaks me out. Thank goodness there's work today so I'm not focusing on it. I got out of bed and started my morning routine which is taking a shower, getting dressed, washing my face, eating, then brushing my teeth. I skipped eating today because that would just hurt too much. I popped a couple Advils and walked out to my Range Rover, but not before locking up my house. The drive to the studio was quick and all the boys were already there waiting. "Hey guys" I said walking into the recording room. "Hey Haz" they said back. I smiled and waved at the tech guys but quickly stopped and held my mouth as my aching tooth hit me with another sharp pain. "Harry mate are you okay?" Zayn asked walking over to me. "Yeah it's nothing, just a little toothache. I'm sure it'll go away on it's own" I said trying to cover up the amount of pain I was in. "Maybe you should go to the dentist and get it checked out" Niall suggested, walking over to join Zayn in front of me. "NO!" I screamed out while slapping a hand over my mouth causing me to double over in pain. "Alright that's it you're going to the dentist and that's final" Liam said while throwing me over his shoulder. He carried me out to his car kicking and screaming with the others following behind. As Liam strapped me in, I could hear Louis making an appointment for me to get my toothache looked at. "NO LOUIS PLEASE NO!!" I screamed out, trying to get out of the car. "I'm sorry Harry, but you need to get your tooth checked, but I promise I'll be there the whole time" Zayn said, pulling me into his arms. The car ride to the dentist office was way to short for my liking and soon enough we arrived at the office. "I'm gonna check Harry in, please try to calm him down" Liam said before stepping out of the car.


I walked into the office and up to the receptionist "appointment for Harry Styles" I said. The lady at the reception desk typed a few things into a computer and looked back up. "He's all set, but before we have him see the doctor, is there anything we should know that would help us when treating him?" She asked "he's deathly afraid of the dentist so he may freak out, so a mouth prop would serve him well" I said as she nodded and typed it into the computer. As soon as she was done, I walked out to the car to let Zayn know to bring Harry in. As I reached the car, I nodded to Zayn letting him know that it was time. He got out of the car and threw Harry over his shoulder. "N-no p-please s-stop I-I d-don't w-want t-to d-do t-t-this" Harry said as tears starting streaming down his face.


Harry must really be afraid of the dentist, he's crying his eyes out, out of fear of getting his teeth checked. "Haz you need to calm down, take a couple deep breaths and look at me" I said carefully holding Harry's face in my hands. He nodded and slowly calmed his breathing and the tears slowly ceased. "Now can you tell me why you don't want to see the dentist? Why are you so afraid?" I asked looking Harry in the eyes. "I-I j-just don't w-want it t-t-to hurt, I kn-know it's gonna hurt" Harry said squeezing my hands. "I know that's what you think, but I promise you the dentist doesn't want to hurt you and if anything hurts then just squeeze you hand, I'll be right there with you" I told him and he slowly nodded "I think I'm ready now" he said and we walked back to the exam room followed by the hygienist.


I really don't want to do this, but I guess I'll be fine as long as Zayn is here with me. "So just take a seat and Dr. Azaroff will be right in" the hygienist said while walking out of the room, leaving my chart on the counter of the small room. "Zayn I don't think I can do this" I said, slowly lowering myself into the large chair. "Harry you'll be fine just relax" Zayn said, taking my hand in his. Just then, middle aged man, which I'm assuming is Dr. Azaroff walked through the door. 'No turning back now' I thought to myself. "Hi Harry I heard that you have a toothache so I'm just going to check it out and fix it, okay?" He said while sitting down in his his chair. I meekly nodded. As soon I the chair was in the right position, he picked up the first few tools and brought them towards my mouth. "Open" he said and I slowly opened my mouth just wide enough for him to put in the tools. He started running the explorer thing along my teeth and tapping each one with it until he hit the one that was bothering me. I yelped and snapped my mouth shut. "Well it looks like you have a pretty bad cavity, but since it's so deep the only option is to extract it" He said. 'No, no way hell I'm not going to let him pull out a tooth' I thought to myself as a fresh set of tears started running down my face. "Haz you need to calm down, I promise it will be fine. Only a small pinch and then no more pain" Zayn said while running his fingers through my hair. "Z-Z-Zayn I-I-I c-can't d-do th-th-this" I stuttered while tightening my grip on Zayn's hand.  I tried to take a few deep breaths like Zayn instructed and it slowly started to work. "You good?" Zayn asked. I nodded as I turned back to face the doctor, only to see him with syringe in his hand. I whimpered and opened my mouth as the needle approached. I let out a scream of pain and tried to turn away as the needle pierced the tissue by the decayed tooth. "It's okay Haz it's alright you're almost done" Zayn whispered as I felt the cold liquid go into the tissue. "I'll leave you two for a few minutes while the Novocain take effect" Dr. Azaroff said,  excusing himself from the room. "Zayn I can't feel my face" I panicked. "Harry calm down, that's what it's supposed to do. It's supposed to numb your face so that you don't feel any pain when the dentist has to do the procedure" Zayn said. Just the, the dentist came back into the room with a nurse trailing behind. "Alright Harry, let's get this over with shall we" he said. I started shaking in fear, but I had to be brave for Zayn. I opened my mouth for the dentist and Zayn praised me as Dr. Azaroff got to work. I saw the pliers move closer into my mouth as I had a steel grip on Zayn's hand, quaking with fear. I felt it wrap around the tooth as it moved back and forth. At this point I wasn't a huge fan of the feeling and tried reaching up for the doctor's hand to move it away. "No Harry, let him finish because you're almost done" the nurse said while gently moving my hand back to my side. But I didn't like that idea. I tried fighting against the nurses trying to get the contraption out of my mouth, but that only resulted in the dentist having more nurses come in to hold me down so he could finish his work and my only source of comfort being kicked out of the room. At this point, I was a hysterical mess. I kept screaming Zayn's name while a waterfall of tears were running down my face. "Bite" I heard Dr. Azaroff say and I bit down on what he put in my mouth. Little did I know that in the midst of me causing a frenzy, the dentist was able to pull out the tooth. They soon let Zayn back in and I cried in his arms while he told me how brave I was. Soon e left the exam room and walked back out to the car where the others were waiting. "What happened?" Louis asked, noticing my tear stained face and cotton stuffed cheek. "Haz had a really bad cavity so hey had to pull it, he was a bit scared but was brave and made it through the extraction" Zayn said, buckling me into my seat because I was a little woozy from the anesthetic. I could feel my eyes getting heavier as I feel asleep, the last words I heard being 'good job Haz, we are so proud of you' coming from Niall.

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