Imagine for @EllaMay14_18

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Zayn's POV out

I woke up this morning feeling a dull ache in my bottom jaw 'oh well, probably just slept on it wrong' I thought to myself as the boys and I got ready for a day full of interviews and promo for our On The Road Again tour. We ate breakfast and I started to think that sleeping on it wrong wasn't the problem with my bottom jaw. You would think I wuld teel someone, but no I won't. There's something you guys don't knkow about me, I'm dentophobic which means I'm afraid of the dentist. It defenitely doesn't help when two of your best mates/ bandmates are dentists in their passtime. Whether it be a simple missed cleaning or a root canal, trust Harry and Louis to fix it.

Louis' POV

This morning I noticed this morning that Zayn kept grimacing  and rubbing his jaw. Maybe Harry and should check him out. Wait there's a problem in my idea. Zayn's afraid of the dentist so this will be hard.


Zayn's POV

This toothache is killing me, I think I should just tell Louis and have him check it out. I hope it's nothing bad. I walk over to him during our four hour break and say " Louis I've had thi sreally bad toothache all day, can you look at it for me?" He nods and says "just let me grab Harry and we can go". "Please not Harry" I said practically begging him. "Why not?" Louis asks. "He's mean and is too strict and isn't comforting at all." Louis nods and says"fine, it will only be me, but we have to leave before Harry finds out or else he'll be doing it no negotiating." I nod and we head to one of the cars to go back to the tour bus. When we got to the tourbus, I walked to the back where there was a makeshift dental office and Louis followed me in. He had me sit and open my mouth. He looked shocked when he looked. He tapped my two back teeth on the bottom. I yelped because it hurt a lot. He retracte dhis tools and saud. "I'm sorry, but you have two wisdom teeth that need to be extracted. I can either numb yo up then take them out or I can give you laughing gas." I didn't like being totally out of control so I chose just being numbed up. Louis then tilted the chair back and got the needle ready. I hesitantly opened, but then shut my mouth as soon as the needle got closer to my mouth. Louis then reached into a drawer and got out some device. Next thing I know, my mouth is being propped openand the needle is inching closer to me. I start screaming and telling Louis to stop, but he won't. I passed out as soon as the needle got in my mouth. 


I woke up to being in my bed with cotton stuffed in my mouth and ice packs on my cheeks. Harry came in to check on me and said. "Hey Zayn, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm going hard on you and that I'm trying to hurt you, but I only want what's best for you." I nodded and fell back asleep.

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