chapter four

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I lost my uncle and my parents, I have no one to be with me or take care of me. I am all alone and I am only four , I don’t even care if he kills me today or any day. I hope he kills me so I can join my family in the afterlife. 

Ash slowly woke up to a dripping sound like a leaking ceiling during a rainstorm. She slowly opened her craggy eyes to see iron bars in the doorway like a jail sail. There was a voice that echoed through the walls, she looked around with tears streaming down her face. Ash was surprised to see that some of the walls were missing and compiled from time. She slowly slid herself over to the largest hole that was closest to her left side. After Ash was only inches from the hole, she felt a tug at her ancols that stopped her from getting any closer to the large hole in the wall. Ash quickly looked at her anocoles and saw that there was a large, iron shacole around her right ankle that was stopping her. She immediately felt like a prisoner that was locked in a cage, she immediately pulled her legs up to her chest in fear of what was going to happen to her.

Ash looked through the hole and asked in a slightly whispered voice, “Hello? Is anyone there?” 

There was silence for the longest moment and no one replied back to her so Ash slid back to the wall across from the wall with the largest hole. The dripping sound calmed Ash as she sat silently against the dirty, musty wall in fear, she immediately noticed that the wall she was leaning against had no holes in it. Ash looked at the hole in the wall across from her for a few hours and then she looked at the floor as she waited for someone to pass by the cell door so she could ask what was going to happen to her.

Suddenly there was a loud voice that rang through the hallways yelling “Meal time!”

There was the sound of someone placing something onto the ground and then there was a banging sound on one of the iron bars three times. After five minutes, a  young man appeared in front of Ash’s cell door. A surprised look came across his face as he looked at Ash and pleased a small bowl filled with raw meat onto the ground by the iron doorway.

 Ash quickly asked “Where am I?”

The man put his index finger up to his lips for a short moment and whispered as he put his finger back down, “Shhh.”

Someone yelled down the hallway “Hey, get me my food ass hole.”

“Shut up or you want to get any food at all!” The young man yelled back as he started walking down the hallway of cells with iron bars as doors. There was a sound like one of the cell doors being slammed shut and a person slowly sitting down lightly.

A light and calming voice asked “Why are you here child, this isn’t a place for a little your age?”

Ash quickly looked up from the ground and was surprised to see what looked to be a young man looking at her through the hole in the wall that sat across from her. There was a concerned look on his face as he watched her as if she was an animal that he was unfamiliar with. Ash noticed that his brownish black hair was greasy, his clothes were tattered, torn up like he fought a lion and got away.

“I-I kidnaped and was forced to watch my uncle be killed by a man.” tears streamed down her face even more as she continued “I don't even know why I am here.”

The man asked “What’s your name?”

Ash answered in a shaky voice “My-my name is Ash . What is your name?”

“It is nice to meet you Ash, my name is Jack but my gladiator name is Vampire. You can just call me Jack though.” Jack said with a bright smile.

Ash whipped the tears from her face as she looked at the food in the bowl, her stomach growled from the hunger that she felt. 

Jack said as he watched her eye the food “You better eat Ash, you won't be getting any food until nightfall.”

Ash sighed as she said “Ok.”

She slowly slid over to the bowl of food and scarfed the food down in an instant. Once she was done eating her food, Ash scooted back to the wall with her legs up to her chest once more.

“Get some sleep Ash, It is going to be a long day tomorrow.” Jack said in a considerat voice.

Ash slowly closed her tired eyes and fell asleep in an instant. Exhaustion filled her as she slept through the night without a care in the world as people screamed in the night in pain.

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