chapter twenty seven

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I will make Jen talk, he will suffer for hurting Ash and Jeff. As much as I hate him for hurting Jeff and Ash, I am willing to give him a second chance. We will see if he chooses to cooperate after I torcher him for a few moments.

“I always keep my promises and I promised that I would torcher you for hurting Ash’s friend.” said electro as he placed the metil bar near the flames.

Once the bar turned to a reddish orange color he flipped the switch to the flame thrower off and walked back over to Jen.

“So, how did you get into the torturing business?” Electro asked curiously. 

Jen replied in a slightly exhausted and angry voice, “I don't have to tell you shit.”

“True, true and I wont torcher you for that but I am curious about you plus I will torturing you soon if you dont start talking. You're Not like most people, did you know that? Most of the people that I have tortured spill their guts by now and there are some acshenal people that strong but give in after the hot metal bar.” Electro said with disgust in his eyes.

Jen said in disappointment, “Those people are wimps.”

Electro asked “Do you know the man eating killer?”

“Yeah who doesn't, he killed a lot of people and there's a rumor floating around that a lot of hunters tried to break him but they couldn’t. There was one man who broke him to the point that he spilled everything and anything that he ever did in his life.” Jen said quickly with enthusiasm.

He then asked, “Do you know who it was that tortured him to that point?”

There was a long moment of silence before Jen replied “No… I don't know who it was that tortured him.”

“I am not surprised that they disclosed that information.” Electro sighed as he continued “I… I was the one that tortured him, well times up and its time for me to get back to work with you.”

“Wait, wait, wait, that was you?” asked Jen in a shaky voice. 

Electro smiled as he replied “Yep and now you know who you're dealing with” He continued “You could just tell me everything I want to know and I won't harm you any more.”

For a moment there was silence as Jen thought about his options, after a few more minutes of thinking he said “I will answer some of your questions but not all of them.”

Electro quickly walked over to the table and placed the metal bar back onto the table. He opened up the small jore that sat under the table while pulling out a notebook and pencil from the jore. Electro quickly closed the small jore as he walked back over to Jen, in an instant Electro opened the notebook to the first page. 

“Let's get started, we will start with an easy question. How many people have you tortured?” Electro asked as he placed the tip of the pencil on the piece of paper.

Jen replied “In totale I have tortured over three hundred and twenty eight people, If I include Ash and Jeff then that would three hundred and thirty but you dont want to know any of that do you? You want to know about the hunters that I have tortured, well I have torchered over two hundred hunters.”

Electro wrote some notes down on the notebook and said “Damn kid, you have torchered more people then I have and most of them are high marked villains.”

Jen giggles as he asks “Can I ask you something?”

Electro replies, “What would you like to know?”

Jen sighed as he asked in a concerned voice, “What would you do to me if I told you Ash is a target for a small merchant group that wants her dead?”

“I would ask you what the merchant group's name is and why they even want Ash dead?” Electro asked calmly as he tried to hide his anger that slowly built up in him.

Jen sighed as he said “Alright, no more what if questions. There is actually a group the dragon and myth slayer order. They hunt humans that have the dragon's curse most of all, the people that have the dragon's curse are on the top of their list. They acashinaly hunt humans and monsters as well but to them they are nothing but flies, people with the dragon's curse are the big fish. I… I was told if I help them kill Ash then they would help my little sister.”

Electro's face quickly changed from angry to pity as he saw a few tears stream down Jens face, he asked “What is wrong with your sister?”

Jen said as he fidgeted his hands back and forth to loosen the rope, “My hands are getting a little sour, how about you untie my hands and I will tell you.”

There was a long moment of silence until he sighed and asked, “Fine, but don't do anything except sit in that chair, understand?”

Electro placed his pen and pencil on the ground, he slowly got up from the chair. He walked over to Jen while pulling out a switchblade from one of his pant packets and oppende the knife up. Jen stayed silent as he watched Electro cut the rope bounding him to the chair. He stared in amazement as Electro then cut the rope on his feet and walked back over to the chair. Electro sat back down while grabbing the notebook and pencil while opening the notebook to the second page.

“My sister was born too early, the doctor said she wouldn't live but she did. She is about eight years old now and she has a bad illness. She has a disease that is hard to cure and there is a cure but it costs money. More money than I could even pay. What about you? What's your story?” Jen replied with a hint of sadness in his voice as he rubbed his sore hands from the tightrope that was on his hands.

Jen asked “What do you know about gladiators and the gladiator arena?” 

Jen quickly replied “I heard the arna was taken over by the people that were being used to fight. If I heard right, the people that they took into the arena were forced to fight and had horrible things done to them, there were two men that ran the whole thing too. He had a name now what was it…Oh, they were Cut Through and Slit but the way I hear, Cut Through was killed by Slit. The gladiators escaped and some of the gladiators had surgery and spell breakers done on them because of the ilegal spells that were done on them. That is all I know about the gladiators and the gladiator arena.”

“They didn’t illegal spells and surgeries done to them, those people tortured them to the point of death and they would nersh them back to heath just to do the same thing over a gen until they obayed their orders. Those people trained them to fight and kill.” Electro said in anger as he curled his hands into his fists.

Jen quickly asked  in confusion, “How do you know that, you are speaking as if you were there?”

For the longest moment there was silence in the room as both Jen and Electro broke eye contact from each other. Immediately looked away from each other in embarrassment.

“Maybe I was one of them… Maybe I wasn't, you’ll never know. Alright I have two more questions for you and then we will be done.” Electro said with a smile as he looked back at Jen.

Jen asked “What is it you would like to know?”

Electro asked “How much does it cost to help your sister get better?”

There was a long moment of silence before he replied, “It will cost three hundred thousand and eighty two gold coins. Two hundred silver coins and one hundred brand coins.”

Electro quickly jotted down some notes, he then asked “What would you do if I brought you into my house and gave you a second chance?”

Jen slowly replied “It's too late for me, I don't deserve to have a second chance.”

“Well, that is too bad because I am not giving you a choice in this matter and I will pay the amount of coins you need to help your sister get better.” Electro said  as he got up from the chair he was sitting on. 

Jen asked as tears streamed down his face, “Why? Why?” In an instant he broke out crying as tears streamed out of his eyes like a river, he yelled through tears, “Why me? I am a monster, I killed people that didn’t deserve it because there was money involved! I am a murderer so tell me! Tell me why you are paying for my sister's operation and giving me a second chance!” 

Electro said in a kind and caring voice, “You're not a monster Jen, you are human and humans deserve a second chance just like anyone else.That said, monsters also deserve a second chance as well.”

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