Chapter fifty seven

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If I am not holy enough to go through the door then I will be ripped apart. I have never gone through any door or gateway like this and I definitely think there is something going on with me because I still have episodes where I am still blacking out sometimes. Maybe this door can show me why I am blacking out like I am.

Flin sighed as he walked through the doorway, white mist surrounded him as half of his body went through the doorway. He instantly disappeared into the doorway as if he was walking through a portal, rear filled Jaff as he realized what Flin ment.

Jaff said in a slightly feared voice, “I… I can't do this Electro.”

He quickly started to hyperventilate as he placed his hands on his knees and instantly spread his legs out so the nausea that filled him would subside.

Electro said reassuringly, “It's just a test to see if you are holy or not. Hey if you pass through you survived and can help Ash.”

“And if I don’t pass then I will die instantly as I transform into my form.” Jaff said nervously in a shaky voice.

Electro sighed as he said “Look, I have done a lot of bad things so that means I have a little bit of darkness in me. I will show you how to get through the gateway.” 

“You don't understand, I had a suspicion but now I think it's true. I will just show you what I mean.” Jaff said calmly. 

Jaff slowly walked over towards the door and lightly placed his hand through the door. Suddenly, as soon as he stuck his hand halfway through the door and instantly his hand turned pitch black but the rest of his body stayed the same. His claws slowly grew as his fingernails dropped off of his fingers that were sharp like daggers, a surprised look came across Electron's face instantly.

“What… Is that but… how?” Electro asked in a surprised voice.

“I don’t know, this is the first time I have seen it. I think every time I change then I black out instantly so I don't remember anything when I change and I think this power is made of darkness though.” Jaff said in a slightly sad voice.

Electro sighed as he said “That could be a problem, alright. Maybe you don't have to use that power.”

Jaff asked in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Clear your mind and don’t think about when you blacked out. It might just stop your transformation, just give it a shot while keeping your hand in the doorway.” Electro said calmly.

Jaff nodded as he closed his eyes, he slowly thought about nothing as he cleared his mind of all thoughts as he kept his hand in the doorway. For a moment nothing happened but after a few minutes, his hand slowly turned back into a human hand.

Electro said with delight, “Good now stay like that and slowly walk through the gate and don’t lose that feeling until you know you are fully through the gate.”

Jaff slowly walked through the gate slowly while keeping his mind blank and listened carefully for any sign that he had passed through the gate. After five minutes had passed by quickly, Jaff heard the sound of his feet walking on the stone floor and he instantly knew that he had passed through the gates. Jaff instantly opened his eyes to see a long hallway filled with torches and pillars that were half of the pillar shown through the walls. He slowly turned around to see an open doorway filled with darkness that swirled around the doorway like swirling mist on a swamp.

Jaff yelled through the portal, “Alright electro, it worked. You can come through the portil now.”

Electro sighed in relief as he slowly walked through the doorway instantly with ease. Once he was through the gateway, Electro smiled with delight as he stopped walking while looking at Jaff with a proud look. Suddenly, Flin appeared out of nowhere and smiled at them with delight.

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