Chapter 2

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Thank you to all the readers. I love you so much, and I hope you're enjoying this book! Xx

Chapter 2

Harry's Pov


I just had to go and see Ally again. It was the only way to keep me sane. She was on my mind last night, and I couldn't sleep. Who knew one girl could do this to you? I wore the same disguise as I did yesterday.

I went in early today and they were really busy. There was no que, but the shop was full. I walked up to the counter, hoping to find that beautiful girl I saw yesterday. I could still remember her sweet scent. Her dark brown hair that was pulled back in a loose bun and the strands of hair that framed her face. Her fit body and dark brown eyes. The way she smiled was the most attractive thing about her.

"Hi, what can I get you?" A slightly taller girl asked, disturbing my thoughts. She had dark black hair and her eyes were slightly gray. She smiled a forceful smile. "Um, just five ice chocolates to go." I replied.

As she went to make them, I caught sight of Ally. Her hair was done up higher this time and all her hair was up. She was stacking milk in the fridge. She turned around and saw me. I smiled at her and watched her smile back. She looked away quickly then turned around and started walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?" She said with an amused laugh. "As usual, to get ice chocolate for the boys." I paused for a minute to try to and work out what she was laughing at, but gave up sooner than I thought. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You're still wearing that ridiculous outfit." She replied. I couldn't help but look at myself and laugh. We both stopped laughing and then it just became awkward. "So, um..." She coughed to break the silence. "Do you maybe, want to have a coffee with me?" I asked quickly. Maybe too quickly. She thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know... and anyways, I don't drink coffee."

I nodded slowly and pursed my lips before saying, "Well it's just, I know you secretly put the money back into my pocket... and it's sort of rude not to accept it. So... I was hoping, " She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine." I fist pumped the air and screamed "Yes!"

"But after my shift." She added. I went back to the limousine with the ice chocolates and handed it to the boys. "You guys go ahead, there's something I have to do." I explained before closing the door. I heard the limousine window roll open as Louis shouted, "Be home by eight, Harry." The boys laughed. "What ever, Louis." I said as I walked off.

Ally's Pov

"I still can't believe you waited for my shift to be over." I said in amazement. I really couldn't believe he waited almost eight hours for me. "Well, when you said 'shift' I didn't think it meant from open time to closing time." He said in a joking way.

I went to switch the door sign from open to closed. I put his coffee and my orange juice on the two seater table by the window. I untied my apron and felt his eyes watching me like a hawk. "What is it?" I asked fixing my skirt down. "Nothing." He replied. I sat down and sipped on my orange juice.
"I'm sorry about the misconception. I guess I should have mentioned, Mia and I are the only people who work at this cafe." I explained while stirring my orange juice with the straw. Harry gulped down his coffee and said, "Wait, does that mean..." He purposely waited for me to fill him in. "Yes, we own the cafe." I concluded.

"Aren't you a little... you know, young?" He asked trying not to offend me. "Well, it's hard to explain." I paused before continuing, "We're trying to earn our own money, and that's why I didn't take the generous tip. So, I apologize." He stared me in the eyes and said, "It's okay. So your parents are okay with this?"

I didn't see this question coming, nor was I prepared, "Um... yeah." I lied. We both looked down at our drinks. "So enough about me. What brings you here?" I said changing topic. "Oh we were just passing by. In fact we are about to start our tour, and I guess your amazing ice chocolate keeps bringing the boys back." Harry replied. I felt my cheeks flush red as I looked down, "So how long are you staying here before the tour?"

Before Harry could reply, we heard a plate being smashed behind the counter. I looked over my shoulder to find Mia stunned, her hands holding an air plate. "Excuse me." I said as I got up and headed over to Mia.

I carefully walked over the smashed plate. I grabbed her arm and dragged her back into the kitchen. "T-t-t-that is Harry Styles. In o-o-our cafe." She stuttered. Her eyes looked lost. "I know. Calm down." I advised her. "What is he doing here?" She whisper shouted, "If he gets caught here, we could get busted."

I scratched the back of my hair and replied, "You don't think I don't know that? Look no one will find out that we're here. I promise you." She sighed and then said, "You better keep your promise. Or all this hard work could all be for nothing." I gave her a hug and whispered, "No one will find out our secrete." 


So what's the secrete? Keep reading and find out ;) xx

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