Chapter 6 - Paris

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So now, the book really begins. Hope you enjoy :)



The city of love. It's a beautiful place, very romantic and luxurious. Everyone wants a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. Most want a kiss. But is Paris the best place in the world to reveal your secretes?

Ally's Pov


I walked into the five star hotel with the boys and Mia. Harry held my hand, and it wasn't just enough to hold it, he had to lock this fingers in between mine. I smiled at him faintly.

"You don't look surprised at this hotel at all. Don't you like it?" Harry asked. I looked around at the amazing, white, modern hotel. There were stairs with gold bars, a big chandelier hung from the middle of the room. It had a classy pub, a restaurant, and everything you could imagine. "What's not to love about this hotel?" I replied.

We got to our rooms. They were like the size of houses. All white and glass. A beautiful view of the Eiffel tower outside our window and an amazing balcony too. Did I mention it was a double story hotel room? It had stairs leading up to the bedrooms. WOW.

We picked our rooms. Mia and I shared a room. We didn't unpack yet. The boys suggested we did some minor touring of Paris first. "You guys go a head, I'm going to go grab my other shoes." Harry shouted, running back upstairs.

I decided to wait for him while the others left in the elevator. He took a long time so I went upstairs and looked for him. I found him in his room searching for his shoes.

"Harry?" I asked. He turned around and smiled at me, "Yeah?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wasn't sure if it was you."

He fully turned around and walked up to me, "Why? Because you've never seen my body before?"

I looked down at his abs. I couldn't help it. He was shirtless and I have to admit it. It was pretty hot. I felt a flush to my cheeks. He softly pushed my chin up with his hand.

I walked backwards and we made our way down stairs. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Pressing me against his soft, stiff, body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed him in closer.

He was the first one to lean in. He placed his gentle lips on mine. Kissing me passionately. It was one kiss, one kiss that felt like a million. I pulled back and watched him smirk. "Did you like that?" He said cheekily. He leaned in and kissed me again, this time more harder, I tilted back a bit. I ran my fingers up and down his back, as he made his way towards my neck. Softly biting it and kissing it.

I placed my hands on his chest and stopped him. "Harry," I said panting, "We have to go." He gave me one quick peck and ran back upstairs. He came back down with a shirt and the shoes he was looking for.

I watched him fix his collar while walking down stairs. I looked at him, he was perfect. Just everything about him. "Ready?" He asked me. "Yep." I replied.

We went down the elevator and met the others at the restaurant for brunch. I got waffles with blueberry and chocolate sauce. We sat at a round table. Everything was so classy.

I cut my waffles in half and indulged on the melt-in-your-mouth deluxe.

I saw the boys eyes stare at Mia and I.

Harry's Pov


Louis leaned in and whispered to me, "Is it just me or is she perfect?" I stared at her and whispered back, "She's perfect." After brunch we went on a tour. The tour bus was small and stuffy. Ally and I sat together. She looked out the window, everything was so beautiful in Paris.

I leaned behind her and looked out the window too. She turned around and our noses hit. She tried to move back, and I moved with her, our noses still touching, I cornered her up to the window. She laughed and it was then I couldn't resist her. I pressed my lips against hers. She pushed me away and laughed, "Harry!"

"Get a room." Niall joked. We both looked at him and smiled. The truth is, we would normally be on our own tour bus. But since Ally and Mia was with us, I decided I wanted it to feel like a normal date. I didn't want them to feel like a groupie.

We entered  the  Louvre pyramid. It was triangle shaped and made with glass. Transparent glass to be exact. Louis got our camera out and took pictures of us. 

"Kiss me." I said to Ally. "Wha-" Before she could finish I kissed her. Louis took the picture and laughed. "You're amazing, Ally." I whispered to her.


Not edited, nothing has been edited yet. So please don't judge me on mistakes.


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