Chapter 9

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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, all my readers.

Chapter 9

Alexandra's Pov


After telling Harry everything, I decided to go to bed. Mia, Zayn and Liam had already fallen asleep and the television was left on. I closed it and layed into my soft pillow. Later that night Harry snuck into my bed.

"Harry, is that you?" I said in a dreamy voice. I was half awake and half asleep. He didn't say a word. He just got under the covers. He wrapped his heavy arm around me and spoke softly, "Everything will be okay." I turned around and faced him. It was dark, but the moonlight that shone from our window gave enough light to see his beautiful face.

We stared at each other and I felt like I was caught in a trance. He pressed his lips on mine and brushed his tongue slightly into mine. I smiled as we kissed. Our feet intertwined, as he tried to pull me in closer. I believed Harry could make everything better.


I woke up to find a sleeping, Harry, on the bed next to me. I moved his arm off me and headed into the shower. I wanted to feel clean, after getting everything off my back last night. When I came out, Harry was gone. The bed was made and a flower was left on it. A red rose to be precise.

There was a note that read :
Meet me at Le Meurice, for breakfast.
A limo is waiting for you outside.
Love, Harry.

I got dressed in white frilled dress, and wore matching high heels. I walked downstairs and watched everyone stare at me. "Where are you going, pretty?" Niall asked. "I'm going out for breakfast with, Harry." I replied with a smile.

"Have fun." Mia called out as I shut the door. I walked down to the black limo that awaited me. It took me to a beautiful, modern and white restaurant. These were the type of places I used to eat at, back at home.

A small group of musicians started playing music as soon as I entered. I gasped and walked slowly in, looking for Harry. The musicians followed me, still playing soft french music. I loved it. When I saw him, he was in a suit. He took my hand and kissed it with his gentle lips. He pulled the chair out for me as I sat.

"Harry," I began. "Sh, don't talk," He interrupted, "After last night, I thought you could use something like this." He poured us a drink, "To a new life." He held his drink up. We hit our glasses together, and drank. "To a new life," I repeated.

I dug into my ham and cheese croissant. "Is this our last day in Paris?" I asked, while swallowing.

"Yep. We have to move along, or else we'll be late for our concert in America." He replied.

"So, where are we headed next?"

"Italy." Harry replied.


After breakfast, we walked around. There was a beach near by and we decided to go down there.

We held hands and walked along the beach.

"Harry where you taking me?" I asked as Harry lead me up a cliff. He smirked to himself and said,
"I bought you this. Go get changed." He handed me a bag as I walked into the bathroom.

In the bag was a one piece bathing suit. It was dark blue and fitted my body perfectly. I walked out to find Harry shirtless and wearing swimming shorts. He whistled as I came out.

"Thank you, for this." I said. I held my shoes in my other hand and let the sand rub inbetween my toes. "It's nice weather today, isn't it?" Harry asked. "Yeah, it is." I replied.

We ended up at the edge of the cliff. Beneath it was sparkling, blue, clear water. I looked at him and said, "What are we doing here?" He returned a smug smile and said, "We are going to jump."

My eyes widened as I watched him make a little run. He jumped off the cliff, gliding through the air and hitting the water.

He resurfaced and yelled, "Come on!" I held onto a rock and looked down. It looked pretty high. I watched as Harry treaded water and waited for me. "You can do it. I know you can." He encouraged.

I hesitantly stepped over the edge, "Here's to a new life..." I murmured and pinned drop down. The cold water hit my skin almost immediately. It felt cool. I resurfaced and swam over to Harry.

He grabbed my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in slowly and kissed me. When he stopped, I couldn't help but want more. I pulled him closer and pressed my lips against his. He laughed and kissed me back even more. The tip of his hair was dripping water onto my nose as our foreheads touched.

He grabbed my hand and said, "I have a pic nic waiting for us." We swam to smaller cliff. The cliff was a beautiful black rock. Harry layed down and sun baked. We ate grapes and bread that were in the pic nic basket.

"I don't want to go anywhere." He started, "Everything right now, seems so... perfect." I let out a small laugh and looked over at the beautiful water. "Who knew it would come to this." I said. He stood up and spread his arms, then shouted, "I love you, Alexandra Waldorf!"

He sat back down next to me and gave me a passionate kiss. His bottom lip inbetween mine. I sighed and pursed my lips before saying, "I love you too."

Harry lifted my chin up, "Ally," He said, "Scream." I looked up at him and asked, "What?" He repeated, "Scream." I laughed and shook my head. "Like this," He began, "Woooo!"

Harry's voice echoed. "Trust me, it'll help you feel refreshed." He said. So I got up and screamed my lungs out. It was like I got everything off my back. Nothing to worry about anymore. "That's the way." Harry said with a smile.


After the lovely day with Harry, we got back to our hotel and started packing for Italy.


Italy, here they come! :)

Please stay tuned for the next part.

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