Chapter 20

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I'm trying to get this done so I can start another book, so I'll be updating a lot from now on. Thank you for waiting with me. <3 Love all my readers.

Chapter 20

Ally's Pov

I pulled back and stepped a couple steps bakwards. "Niall," I began, "You know I'm going out with Harry." He put his hands over his mouth as if to think. "I know, and I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He sighed and walked towards me. "It's just, I've had a thing for you every since the first time I layed my eyes on you. I couldn't help it. I'm sorry this was all my fault. Harry really fancies you, and he deserves you, so you can pin this all on me." I looked down, unsure of what to think or do at the moment. I shook my head hesitantly, "Nah," I said firmly, "We won't speak of this again."

Niall looked away, his face expressed with guilt. "I'm so sorry." He half whispered. "It's... it's okay." I lied. It really wasn't okay. "Just don't tell Harry about this, promise?" Niall lowered his shoulders, "Promise." He replied.

I walked out of the room and quickly bumped into a familiar body. "Oh, there you are." He said hugging me around the waist. "Hey, Harry." I replied giggling. "Oh, Niall? What were you both doing in that room?" He asked. "Uh," I stammered, "We, uh... Niall wanted me to help him find something." I lied. Niall nodded and said nothing. "Oh, okay then. Did you find it?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Find what?" Harry gave me a strange look, "The thing you were helping Niall look for...?" I awkwardly fell silent. "Oh, um, yeah, we did." I laughed at my stupidity.

"The party is almost over. Go grab your coat and meet me in the limousine." Harry instructed. He let go of my waist and kissed me on the lips. Niall stood there watching, and as soon as Harry turned around, he looked down. I watched as the beautiful, Harry Styles, all suited, walk away. His shoulders were broad and his body firm. I caught Niall staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"Did you mean it?" I asked. "Mean what?" He replied. "When you said you had a thing for me."

"Yeah." Niall replied.

"I'm sorry." I said sympathetically. I lowered my eyebrows and gave a faint smile, "You'll find the right girl some day."

I walked past his shoulder in order to grab my coat that was hanging on a vintage chair behind Niall. Our shoulders brushed and I could feel his eyes peer down at me. "I see the way you look at him." Niall instantly spoke. "What do you mean?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what he meant. "He looks at you the same too." Niall said. His tone sounded a bit forced, like he didn't want to tell me that. "I just thought you should know. He's always staring at you when you're not looking. You guys were meant for each other." Niall concluded and walked off.

I grabbed my coat and went to the limo. Harry shuffled in with the boys and made room for me. As we arrived at our hotel, we un packed right away. As usual Mia and I shared a room. "Niall kissed me." I admitted. Mia laughed, "Funny aren't you?" I looked at her, and immediately she looked back, "Oh my god, he really kissed you." I lunged myself on the bed and layed on my back. "I told Niall not to tell Harry. I don't know if that's the right thing to do."

"It was only a kiss. It meant nothing." Mia said, when I didn't answer she spoke again, "It meant nothing, right?"

I snapped out of my gaze, "Uh, yeah, it meant nothing." Why did I sound so un sure of that?

"Maybe it is best if he didn't know."

"But Mia, I don't want secretes between us."

"Then tell him." She replied, "I know I said the opposite just before, but you do need to tell him. If he really loves you then he'll look past that."

"And if he doesn't?"

"If he can't, then maybe he's not the right person for you."

I took in what Mia said, and I knew I had to tell Harry.

I walked into Harry's room. He had his own room. He was laying on his bed reading a book. His shoes still on his feet. "Harry," I knocked. "Oh, hey Ally. You finished packing already?" He asked. "No, actually I haven't." I said biting my lips, "I need to tell you something."

Harry got up and sat on his bed. He patted the seat next to him and gestured me to sit down. I took in a big breath and said, "You're the most amazing boy I've ever been able to call mine." I started to tear up, "And I want you to know that you're special to me, and no matter what you'll always have that soft spot in my heart." Harry kissed me on the lips, his lips were warm and gentle, "Well, you're everything I've ever wanted and needed. I love you." He replied.

I couldn't say I loved him back, because if I loved him then I wouldn't have done what I did. Even though Niall kissed me first, I couldn't shake of the guilt of enjoying it. I felt bad everytime Harry told me he loved me, and I never said it back.

"This is all so sudden and random," He said, "Did you only just realise my charms?" He joked. I laughed as he wiped away a tear that escaped as I blinked. "You've impressed me since day one."

I hated the feeling of saying goodbye, because it can mean two things. To never return, or to be apart for a long period of time, and I couldn't bare any of that with Harry. I didn't want this to be the end of what could have been a better life. But I had no choice.


So anyway, I'm so sorry for the long delay. I want to thank the readers who still follow my story. And I'll try to update all the time. Please leave comments, and vote for my book, I really appreciate it. Thank you, and I love you all so much, it hurts. Haha :) <3

XXxx BeachHouseMansions

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