Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ally's Pov


"Good morning, sunshine." Harry's half awakened voice whispered near my ear. I yawned and replied, "Morning, Harry." I quickly shot up and exclaimed, "Harry!?" He sat up and looked at me.

He was shirtless and only wearing boxers. His hair was a mess. A sexy mess.
"Did we..." I shyly asked pointing my finger back and forth between me and him. He chuckled, "Don't worry. We didn't. Mia's bed spring snapped last night and I offered her my bed. I was going to take the couch, but then again, your bed looked more comfortable."

I sighed in relief. He smirked and pulled me back. He was about to kiss me, but I pushed back with my hands on his chest. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll meet you down stairs for breakfast." I said, getting off the bed. He threw a pillow at my ass. I shot him a look as he just layed there with a grin.

There was a shower and bathroom connected to our bedroom. I grabbed my clothes and had a quick shower. The water in Paris was way more, clean and exhilarating than Australia. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a low bun. I did it quickly and it looked like a mess.

I walked down stairs in my strapless blue high low. The table was set with fruit, toast, yogurt and what not. I took a seat between Harry and Mia. Mia buttered her toast and whispered to me, "My mum called me today." I looked at her, shocked. I was so shocked I dropped my fork.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. I took a strawberry and ate it slowly. Once I was done I said, "If you'll excuse Mia and I for a minute, we need to talk." I wish I hadn't said that.

Mia and I talked in the kitchen. It was far away enough from the boys. I wiped my lips clean of the deliciously sweet strawberry and said, "Why did she call?"

"She said, no accusations have been made about... you know,"

"Yes I know, keep going." I urged her,

"So we're clean for now, but they haven't given up the search. We'll be fine Alexandra, as long as we stay away from there." Mia assured me.

"Thank goodness, and don't call me that! The boys might hear." I replied.

"I'm sorry, I'm just use to it."

We joined the boys for breakfast. "Is everything okay?" Liam asked while biting into his toast.

"Eveything's fine." I replied with a fake smile.

After breakfast we headed out in a limousine to the Eiffel tower. It was magical. So beautiful and so mighty. I've always wanted my first kiss under the Eiffel Tower, but I guess having my first kiss in a Paris hotel room with a shirtless boy is close enough.

"Kiss me." I sharply said to Harry as we stood under the brilliant masterpiece. Mia snapped a picture of us. After that we climbed it, climbed it to the top. "This is amazing." Liam exclaimed. I stood at the edge and looked over the beautiful view of Paris. I was on top of the Eiffel Tower!

"Isn't it just great?" Harry asked, standing next to me. I nodded in agreement, "Yes. It is." I turned around and kissed him. He held me by the waist and kissed me back. I wish time would freeze.

We had lunch at a restaurant. It was filled with french cuisine. I had pasta. It was perfectly cooked and just packed with beautiful flavours. I didn't pay attention to what the others had. Paris eased my mind a bit. It made me feel like home was far, far, away. And ironically, it was.


"My feet ache!" Niall said as he opened our hotel room door. "I'm going to bed." Louis added. After walking all over Paris, we were all petty sore and tired. I gave Mia the, I'm going to tell him now, look. She nodded and said, "Zayn, Liam, would you care to join me in watching a movie up stairs."

Zayn smiled and said, "Anything for you." The boys followed her up stairs and into our room.

Everyone was up stairs now. Harry finished making us a hot chocolate and came to sit down on the couch next to me. "Where did Mia go?" He asked handing me the hot chocolate. "Thanks, and she went to watch a movie with Zayn and Liam."

"So it's just us, huh?" He said giving me a cheeky smile. I put my hot chocolate on the table and so did Harry. He leaned in but I leaned away from him and said, "Harry, I have to tell you something."

He sat back up and replied, "What is it?" I breathed in heavily and said, "I'm not who you think I am. And I'm ready now. I'm ready to tell you."

"Go on." He motioned me,

"My name is Alexandra Waldorf. Not, Ally Landon." I paused feeling the lump in the back of my throat as I tried not to cry, "I did something.Something that I can't run away from, and even when I try, it finds me and haunts me."

"What are you talking about? Why did you lie to me about your name?"

My vision was getting blurry from the tears in my eyes, I blinked and let them run down my cheeks,
"Because," My voice broke, "You just happened to walk into my life, and you made everything feel so much better. I couldn't stand to lose you. I had to lie. That day I told you I didn't want to be with you, was the hardest thing I've ever had to say."

"I'm here for you, so, just tell me what you did, Ally - I mean, Alexandra." He said with a serious expression.

I shivered as he said my real name. I knew if I didn't say it now. I'd never say it. I wiped my cheeks and looked into his sad, confused, helpless eyes and stated, "I killed someone."


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