Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Alexandra's Pov


My heart was racing fast. No one could understand how I was feeling, it was like a rush through me, a rush so great it scared me. "Marco, you shouldn't be here." I paused and crossed my arms,
"And we need to get un-married," I awkwardly continued. Did I hear what was coming out of my mouth? Un-married, what the heck?

"Don't you mean divorce?" Mia broke in,

"Don't say that." I shot at her. The word sent shivers down my spine.

"What? Oh, that was fake, we are not married. That Italian Priest was just the local pizza shop owner down the road practicing his acting career." Marco replied slowly,

"Wait, really? Oh thank god." I laughed while holding my chest. I felt so relieved, I became almost light headed.

"But what isn't fake, is my feelings for you, Ally."

"Oh no." I whispered under my breath, "I'm sorry Marco, but I just don't feel that way about you, and... I have a boyfriend."

Marco's face became loose, his smile turned into a frown as he looked down to his feet. "But," He mumbled, "I felt like I really loved you."

"I know, but... it was just one night. You're probably being too rational and besides, I love my boyfriend." I said sympathetically. Ha! Boyfriend. I scoffed in my mind, if I could even call him that.

"Oh. I see. Then I should go." Marco started to walk away. I couldn't say I didn't feel bad for him, but it had to be done. That was the last of Marco, and the last of ever getting drunk with a stranger to the point where I was lead to believe we got married. What a joke!


The Nando's delivery boy came over moments later. The others took it and devoured it outside, leaving Harry and I to talk. I sat down and sighed heavily. Harry's eyes looked lost, staring into space.

"So... what do we do?" I asked,

He still didn't turn his head to face me, but he spoke, "How could you? After everything."

"How could I?" I said sounding insulted, "Don't you mean, how could you, just go and make out with a fan, like kissing means nothing." I scoffed.

"Well, how could you get married to a total stranger, Ally? Does marriage mean nothing to you?" He shot back.

"We're not married. It was fake, a joke, you know, nothing serious. We didn't even kiss." I began to raise my voice.

Harry's face turned towards me, with wide eyes, he said, "You didn't kiss?"

"No." My voice lowered.

He looked at me like all was forgiven, but then he just turned cold, "Still doesn't change the fact you ran away with him."

"I didn't run away with him! You left me, Harry. I was alone and scared. While you went around kissing girls, I was left, STANDING ALONE." I was furious now, I turned away from him and looked the other way.

I felt his gentle, more or less forgiving hand creep up my thigh. They layed still on my jeans and rested at ease. He exhaled heavily and began, "I'm sorry, Ally. I shouldn't have left you. And I sholdn't have kissed her. But in my defence, she kissed me."

I turned around and looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry too, Harry. I got jealous and well, I went crazy."

We both laughed and then everything fell silent. With both his hands he grabbed me by my neck and kissed me. Pressing his lips against mine, it was a far away kind of kiss, but still meant the same.

"Let's go eat." He suggested. We got up and walked outside to join the feast. I grabbed a couple of chips and shoved them down my throat. I was bloody hungry. But not just hungry for food.

I was hungry for, Harry.


This chapter hasn't got much drama, or anything super duper interesting, so to make it up to you, I'm going to do another chapter. That's two chapters in one day. A special treat for my beautiful readers.


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